Anycast 2 is now anexia-mnz instead of anexia-lon
Afternoon, Similar issue to previous reports - the routing seems to have screwed up for anycast 2 from AANET - not sure why it's gone to a server so far away again when there's many closer servers...…
Not closest server
I would like to know why I am not connecting to the lowest ping server and am instead going to Europe when I am on the East Coast of the US. This only happens using the windows nextdns app,…
nextdns profile iphone breaks content restrictions
I added nextdns to a teen phone only to block ads and tracking that I had previously setup with parental control. He was able to access sites the family had discussed not viewing.…
Secondary server poor performance and bad routing in Brazil
I spent months and months (Almost a year) without the secondary server (Not even the ping worked), now the secondary server is working again but with very poor performance,…
Facebook and Instagram are not blocked
Hi there, The blocking worked very well in the beginning after that stopped.
Parental Control | App & Categories are only blocking the main site URLs.
Under Parental Controls I'm trying to block Video Streaming. I've tested both Categories and Apps based blocking, and the result is the same. In the screenshot I'm accessing HBOMax from a browser…
Best latency isn't chosen for Windows devices
Hello, I have 6 devices connected to my DNS profile, two of which are iOS, another two are Android and two are Windows 11 PCs. I noticed that loading pages is much snappier on the Android and iOS…
my.nextdns.io is so slow or not working
Hi My,nextdns.io has a very slow access many time for few past days. Take to 30 secs or more to show data. Many times don't show data only circles moving only.…
Invalid IP being returned by NextDNS
We have for many weeks seen that www.ohioforest.org on NextDNS resolves to an IP which is different from every other DNS resolver: This makes the site inaccessible.…
NextDNS block streaming service Globoplay
When NextDNS is active on the Android 11 smartphone, playback of ondemand and live content is blocked. The same does not happen with other similar services, such as AdGuard, Qud9, OpenDNS and Google
My NextDNS Analytics and Logs are broken
I don't know if this is only my issue, but it looks to me like it's failing to fetch the API.
- Fixed
Tried to subscribe, it didn’t work
I went to subscribe again, put in my info, and nothing has happened. I didn’t get any kind of email or denial when I went to subscribe. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m not going to try again.
X.com is not being blocked.
Despite the fact that I have enabled blocking X (aka Twitter) under Websites, Apps & Games as well as the Social Media category in the Parental Control section and added Twitter.com and X.…
Questions and Concerns regarding NextDNS current status
Dear NextDNS Team, I'm a paying subscriber for almost a year. I really like your service and consider it to be overall better than alternatives like Control D.…
Help with Unknown IPV6 Device/Address
Hi, I've got NextDNS setup on my Windows,Mac and Linux machines, and all this is working great. The only issue is that just 1 of my devices is showing in the logs as "Unidentified".…
local online store blocked
"Hi, I noticed that one of my local stores was blocked "doesn't load at all" yesterday, even though it was working fine before. I've tried disabling all block lists and security options,…
play.pl is a mobile carrier not a gaming platform
It is an mobile operator in Poland, not a gaming platform.
Wide view of log shows less info than narrow view
If I am using a narrow window (i.e. iPhone or shrunken browser window) and I hit the down arrow, the Log view shows extra info that isn't shown when the browser window is full width.…
IP blocked?
Hi, I'm using nextdns over 5 years with success. Last days I can't connect to secondary IP address from nextdns. My IP address from my account are: 45.90.30.…
Some Vercel IP addresses are not responding (ISP Viettel)
Hi, Some domains like `my.nextdns.io` and `ping.nextdns.io` use CNAME records that point to Vercel's servers. Recently, the ISP Viettel I'm using has been having some problems connecting to some…
False positive on theimageshare.com
NextDNS private DNS is on my Android phone is blocking https://theimageshare.com a FOSS project for sharing files by QR code as "Blocked by Threat Intelligence Feeds". This seems to be an error.…
Blacklist not effective ?
Hi, Although the trackers are added to the blacklist, it is Privacy Badger on my Firefox browser that blocks them, whereas they should be blocked upstream by Nextdns.…
Of queries blocked, not of blocked queries
The analytics page shows a tile with the "% of blocked queries", whereas it should read "% of queries blocked"
Windows 10 Client no longer opens.
The windows client, either the main installer from the download link on dashboard or the .msi mass deployedment link , installs , run maybe one time, and disappear after next startup,…
Next DNS blocked safe website
When I visited this website https://www.egx.com.eg/ I noticed that nextdns blocked it and it works normally with cloudflare family DNS Please check this issue.
Help us improve NextDNS by reporting bugs.