You may not be able to access the site when NextDNS is enabled
First of all, let me apologize. I am Japanese and this sentence was translated into English using the Mac's translation function. It may be difficult to understand.…
regery.com - threat intelligence feed false positive
Hi, I've noticed the domain registrar and hoster regery.com is being blocked by the 'threat intelligence feeds' list. After a quick search, they seemed to have been having issues with being reported…
Mikrotik: DoH server connection error: Idle timeout - connecting
Hi, @nextdns I'm frequently seeing "DoH server connection error: Idle timeout - connecting" errors on my RB5009 Mikrotik's 7.1x log. I tried setting, both TCP and DoH,…
play.google.com = catégorie "gaming" ?
Hello, in my point of view : play.google.com is not a gaming category. regards
Ultra Low DNS configuration often selects higher latency edge servers.
Vultr has better latency compared to Digital Ocean. I think this is due to poor routing from my ISP. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I get connected to Vultr and enjoy low latency.…
many TLD and nextdns gone crazy
Hello, If i block lot off TLD (Blocage de domaines de premier niveau (TLD)), nextdns do exhibits unexpected behavior. (missing TLD, error msg) please look attached piece, regards, AD1
"link-ip.nextdns.io" 403 Error
can't link my IP and I get this message on the setup page: This device is using NextDNS with no profile. Make sure to use the DNS Servers shown in the Linked IP section below (DNS Servers change…
Ping/Latency issue. Request to lightnode mnl server
Hi, May I request to change my DNS host/route to light node Manila thanks
La presse.ca
On android the articles do not load in the La presse newspaper app lapresse.ca I tried allow list some blocked domain in the logs but it did not seems to works The app works and I see the headlines…
google.com being redirected to China google.cn or google.com.hk
I don't know what the exact problem is, but I suspect it's related to how NextDNS resolves Google.com domain. I am getting redirected to Chinese versions of Google.…
Network Error GET /profiles/(profileID)/analytics/status;series
I receive following error when accessing any analytics page from a profile. My browser language and timezone are set to Germany.
Issues with Vultr-FRA since 14.00h (EU Time)
Hi, looks like Vultr-FRA is having issues (150-200ms ping time) since today 14.00h EU Time. Maybe you can look into it.
Bad gambling filter
Hi I'm using AdguardHome on my house network with Hagezi Gambling blocklist filter. At home this filter block all gambling sites. But using NextDNS profile on mobile network with gambling filter I…
Many Apple properties work only after repeated attempts
Since around two weeks, many requests to Apple properties (App Store, Apple Music etc.) fail resulting in “Connection to App Store failed” messages, podcasts that won’t download etc.…
Anycast 2 in Brazil connects in France
Hi, I'm in Brazil and the anycast server 2 is connecting to "virtua-par" (France). This increases the delay by almost 200ms. This problem has been going on for a long time.…
routing issue - Kazakhtecom in Kazakhstan
https://ping.nextdns.io/ hetzner-tbs 98 ms anexia-sto 99 ms (anycast2) worldstream-tbs 100 ms vultr-ams 105 ms (anycast1) vultr-tyo 127 ms (ultralow1) zepto-tyo 170 ms (ultralow2) anexia-del 182 ms…
2a07:a8c0:: unreachable
Hi, Since January 29, ipv6 DNS server 2a07:a8c0:: and 2a07:a8c1:: are not reachable from my location. Setting primary and secondary ipv6 DNS to 2a07:a8c0:: and 2a07:a8c1:: has failed since January 29,…
NextDNS Subscription: Indian Credit Card payments are not getting charged
I really enjoy using NextDNS and I'm all set to upgrade to the premium plan to show my support. However, when I try to enter my Indian credit card details,…
XBOX Multi-player Call of Duty
I have constant connection issues when I try and play call of duty on XBOX. It's weird because I have NextDNS setup at the router and both playstations work just fine playing COD.…
Users from India can't pay for your service for past 3 years
For the past 3 years several users from India have been telling you that we cannot make payment for the subscription because the the requisite step needed to support Indian customers in Stripe hasn't…
Unexplained outage this morning
My servers were unresponsive this morning, I had to reconfigure my network to allow work to proceed. The linked servers I use are: 45.90.30.…
Windows client: proxy service crashes when exclude domain is specified
I have installed the Windows client version 3.0.12 in an Active Directory domain member computer. To ensure that the local domain (which is not resolvable by Internet DNS servers) can be resolved on…
Can't update my IP from dashboard, link-ip.nextdns.io timeout
Can't update my IP from dashboard. link-ip.nextdns.io timeout. C:\Users\user>nslookup link-ip.nextdns.io Server: UnKnown Address: xxxx:a8x0::61:xxxx Non-authoritative answer: Name: link-ip.nextdns.…
Can't ping NextDNS servers
Hi! NextDNS normally works, but for the second time it seems that I can't reach your servers through my Canadian ISP (start.ca) This results in DNS failing on all of our devices,…
facebook not blocked
When using parental controls and blocking by an "APP" I have selected facebook as being blocked, and any request that come for www.facebook.com is blocked however anything coming to www.web.facebook.…
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