saltlakecounty.gov appears to not resolve in your name servers.
Non-authoritative answer: Name: saltlakecounty.gov Address:
Request to Update Fanboy's Social Blocking List
Dear Nextdns Team, I would like to seek your assistance to update that Fanboy's Social Blocking List. I have provided that URL reference for your further checking. URL Reference: https://easylist.…
Domain www.play.pl is not reachable
My ISP provider domain www.play.pl is not reachable on my PC with nextdns setup. It's not blokced by my settings on nextdns and it's the only one that not loading for me.…
Domain play.pl is not reachable by NextDNS
I'm using Opera Browser and Linux Mint with NextDNS setup. And I have problem with reach my ISP provider domain www.play.pl on my PC. I have the same setup on my android phone and it's working here…
BUG: Windows 11 DoH with NextDNS
I tried to setup NextDNS DoH on my Windows 11, and it shows that I'm connected to NextDNS and the test.nextdns shows DoH. However when I visit URL that in blocked category it loads normally!…
I have already paid and subscribed for the yearly plan but nextdns is asking every single day to pay again.
I have already paid and subscribed for the yearly plan and the money has also been debited from my credit card. But nextdns is every single day asking me to pay again and change payment method.…
Installed DNS profile’s not showing on iOS 18 setting app.
I don’t think this problem is exclusively for the NextDNS profile, but I wanna know if there’s other users experiencing this problem or any workaround. As shown on the image,…
"Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List" has zero entries + false sense of security + discontinued
Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List has zero entries and is discontinued. Users which doesn't notice this get a false-sense of Security and can be harmful to NextDNS users.…
Domain simplelogin.io wrongly blocked
For some reason simplelogin.io is blocked by the threat list. This is totally wrong, it's legitimate service provided by Proton. For me it broke OIDC integrations on my servers.
Update Parental Control - Porn list
Hello, Could you please update the Parental Control - Porn list with more up to date values? For example you could take https://oisd.nl/ oisd nsfw or even oisd nsfw small.…
Strange issue with client
Hello all, I have installed the NextDNS client on a Rocky 9 host. The intent is to send certain clients to this host for dns resolution via NextDNS. I got it installed, but am seeing a strange issue.…
dict.cc incorrectly blocked
Dictionary website dict.cc cannot be opened when using NextDNS. This seems like a false positive.
Android 15 error saying private DNS can't be accessed error?
I am premium user and took 1 year plan but after 1 month of the usage, I am getting this error saying " private DNS can't be accessed" ?
IPv6 works in one profile but not in another.
IPv6 will work on one of my profiles however on my other profile(s) only IPv4 works. This is particularly annoying as I use IPv6 only services that I won't be giving up. What's going on here?
NextDNS abandonware?
Bypass methods are not being blocked!
"hufilter" thrid party list not updated
According to nextdns "hufilter" third party list was "Updated 10 months ago". However checking out the github site: https://github.com/hufilter/hufilter , the releases are at https://filters.hufilter.…
Issue verifying NextDNS connection on iOS Cellular LTE
I have been dealing with an issue where I am unable to receive confirmation that my iPhone 12 Mini is being properly connected to the NextDNS Servers. I should note,…
Issue with verifying NextDNS Connection on iOS Cellular LTE
I have been dealing with an issue where I am unable to receive confirmation that my iPhone 12 Mini is being properly connected to the NextDNS Servers. I should note,…
Signed up for an account/subscribed and now my account is gone
I signed up for an account, I liked it and paid for a subscription back on September 21. Now my account is gone?
Anonymous EDNS problem with new version of router CLI
Yesterday I updated the version of the CLI running on my Asus-Merlin router to and now when I go to dnscheck.tools the info for EDNS client subnet no longer shows.…
My nextdns works fine, with the majority of advertisements being blocked. However, there is an entire ecosystem of very well established advertisement domains which are completely ignored.…
While Using Next DNS browser search history not showing
Like Google, the search history not showing up
Threat-Intelligence-Feeds is blocking meinkonto.telekom-dienste.de
meinkonto.telekom-dienste.de is a legit domain. When signing up on telekom.de, they send you an email to confirm your account and its URL starts like this: https://meinkonto.telekom-dienste.…
NextDNS Cli on OpenWRT - This device is using NextDNS with no profile
Suddenly no device connected via my router shows on NextDNS logs since 5th December 15:47.36. All other devices connected directly to NewtDNS are unaffected.…
High Latency and IPv6 dropped randomly
DNSCrypt-proxy had an issue last night, router logs indicate DoH suddenly could not resolve and when it came back my latency skyrocketed. Everything was working fine from inital setup about a week…
Help us improve NextDNS by reporting bugs.