Problème de compatibilité entre NextDNS et iCloud Private Relay sur macOS
Salut tout le monde, Je rencontre un problème avec l'utilisation de NextDNS et iCloud Private Relay sur mon Mac. J'utilise ces deux services sans problème sur mon iPhone, mais sur macOS,…
Custom AdList
Hello, a cool feature would be to add my own custom AdList directly to the Others.
Router shows web history evening when using NextDNS
I thought if using NextDNS, the phone won't send DNS requests to the router so the router won't know which sites I visit. But the router still shows the web history of the phone.…
Asus router web UI admin access
Hi, i cannot access my routers web ui admin page when using nextdns. I've made an entry in allowlist (www.asusrouter.com) without any success. Any ideas NextDNS folks? My router is RT-AX5400.…
How to block Shorts in Youtube App?
I need to block Youtube Shorts on iPhone, but not all youtube. How to do it? I can only block youtube.com domain. I’ve tried shorts.youtube.com but it doesn’t work
Teacher request
A way to redirect specific searches to another place say I search www.bing.com it will redirect me to www.google.com and so for any other query
ISP leak?
Hi, I use nextDNS on my router with dnsproxy. it is weird, before I used controlD always with wireguard, and when I use that tool : https://www.dnscheck.…
Windows 11 - DNS Profile per user
Hi, I've got several NextDNS profiles setup per user. We're sharing a Windows 11 machine with several users. How can I arrange that each user uses its own NextDNS profile? What I already tried:…
Unable to make payments in India after the new RBI guidelines.
Hey there, As per the new RBI guidelines of India, automatic payment deduction will now be declined.…
Timeouts and bad performance on NextDNS with IPv6
Hello, I find myself getting more and more timeouts lately, the frequency increasing every day. When I don't get a timeout, it does still take ages for anything to happen.…
Access control
When visiting a website a page will popup asking for username and password or just password if it's correct it will give u access to the website or domain if wrong u will get 5 more attempts if all…
About the Nextdns.ca
Can u guys make a certificate editor it will have all the normal data but id like to be able to edit the blocking page and the unblocked page like for example some ideas that could be considered for…
Ping/Latency issue. Request to route to nearer DNS server.
Hi, May I request to change my DNS host/route to Manila, PH instead of HK - I requested this before because there was no servers in the Philippines at that time but when I checked ping.nextdns.…
NextDNS stopped working on my iOS device (iOS 15.6.1)
Hi all, My iOS device has recently stopped querying NextDNS (as reported on the my.nextdns.io dashboard). This occurs over cellular (LTE) as well as on my school WiFi.…
unable to connect to nexdnds dns from iphone with mobile network
despite the nextdns vpn profile installed and selected, when on mobile network I consistently have the message "this device currently uses name of mobile network as DNS resolver".…
Unable to download any logs bigger than 2GB
Hello, when I try to download logs that are larger than 2GB's the download fails. This happens across all multiple browsers and from different stable Internet connections?…
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS apt update / upgrade running very slowly when NextDNS is turned on
This is strange and I can't figure out why it's happening. I use NextDNS at my router level to cover my network, and when I have the network set up that way apt update/upgrade works at normal speed.…
DNS Stamp ipv6
Hello team, I have one question. My router need DNS stamp for use correctly the DNS, but if insert the dns stamp that nextdns public is only ipv4 and not ipv6.…
All domains owned by upd.edu.ph are not resolving properly
I just encountered issues resolving the domain of my university website. This seems to affect only NextDNS since I was able to resolve the issue by switching to another DNS service (quad9 in this…
Blocking Specific Words
A feature that blocks all websites containing a specific word would be a great addition. For example, I could type "bet," and every website with this word in its address would be blocked.…
What is the difference between private and business NextDNS subscriptions?
Hello, there is currently a private monthly subscription. What are the differences to a business model? Best Regards and thank you in advance.
Install the NextDNS Root Certificate CA in Unifi Console (UDM Pro)
Guten Tag, gibt es eine Möglichkeit das NextDNS Root Zertifikat auf einem UniFi Gateway zu installieren? (Dream Machine Pro) damit die HTTP/HTTPS Warnungen im gesamten Netzwerk erscheinen,…
Anything wrong?
Why sudden drop in queries? Does anyone know?
Phone knows when we sleep? Is that crazy?
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like their devices seem to "know" when they fall asleep?? I really think so... at night I can watch the dns logs coming through and can always tell when ppl in…