[Android] Couldn't connect to Private DNS server
My Android phone cannot connect to the private DNS server set to the NextDNS server, so it cannot connect to the internet either. When I disable private DNS or set another DNS provider,…
Domain Spamming DNS
So, I've only realised now that for the past several months I've been spammed by this domain that's being blocked by NextDNS. I'm not sure what exactly is going on,…
Unifi CGM and Unidentified Devices
Hi, When I first installed the NextDNS CLI app onto my CGM it reported back the device names to my logs and everything was great. At some point however,…
Improved ID prediction for unauthorized use
Hi, Recently, some users reported that their NextDNS ID was being used without being exposed. I know it's easy to create a new ID and use it. But if I set it up for my family,…
NextDNS for DNS-level filtering, I recommend a balanced setup that gives you strong privacy, security, and speed
NextDNS for DNS-level filtering, I recommend a balanced setup that everyone strong privacy, security, and speed without breaking websites. Best Extensions for every one using next DNS,…
Title: Enhance NextDNS with AI-Powered Web Monitoring & Real-Time Analysis Suggestion: Next
Here’s the message again so you can copy it easily: Title: Enhance NextDNS with AI-Powered Web Monitoring & Real-Time Analysis Suggestion: NextDNS is great for DNS-based security and ad blocking,…
UDM Pro - DNS filtering slowing network to a crawl
Hello, We are experiencing extremely slow speeds using the next DNS filtering service at one particular site. We use the service at approximately 25 sites with no issue.…
HNS support
Trying to figure out if HNS support has been discontinued because I can’t set it up on iOS and in a browser. Would highly appreciate any tips, feedback about what might be wrong. Thank you
Add OISD Blocklists - Small, Big and NSFW
I understand you have the ability to select the blocklist OISD within NextDNS. That said, NextDNS only offers the one blocklist. I would like to see blocklist options for the below OISD blocklists.…
Please ad this list. It is more comprehensive and inclusive than the built in Porn blocker.
I can not open my work from home platform (Ivanti Pulse Secure + Citrix Workspace)
Hello! When I work from home, I need to establish a VPN connection through Ivanti Pulse Secure app. Then, when the VPN is connected, I need to open a link in any browser to access a Remote Desktop,…
hufilter hasn't been updated in over a year
The source repository of hufilter was changed a whole ago. Please check if it's pulling updates from the source https://github.com/hufilter/hufilter. It used to be https://github.…
2024 Ubiquiti DNS Shield Configuration Issue
I noticed that Ubiquiti now allows the use of DNS Shield which allows DNS over HTTPS within the Dream Machine Pro's Controller software. I also noticed that NextDNS has 3 entries in the UniFi control…
Windows 11 DoH issue - "This device is using NextDNS with no profile"
I've been using the app for a year now and was hoping to switch to a more native setup by using Windows 11's DNS over HTTPS. I uninstall the app, configure networking according to the instructions,…
Energized Protection Lists Active Again at New URLs
The Energized Protection blocklists are active once more and being updated daily. Could NextDNS staff please re-enable these blocklists in NextDNS by pulling from the new updated list locations?…
Report IPv6 using DDNS
Hey guys, new user here
. I have a problem and I hope you can help me with this. So my router uses a DS lite tunnel to connect to the Internet and I don't have a dedicated IPv4.…
Anycast 2 is now anexia-mnz instead of anexia-lon
Afternoon, Similar issue to previous reports - the routing seems to have screwed up for anycast 2 from AANET - not sure why it's gone to a server so far away again when there's many closer servers...…
Country Blocking
Would be so great if you could add Country Blocking. It would save a lot of connections and block china and so on ;))
Where can I track development of NextDNS?
I didn't see a lot of changes other then updates on the GitHub pages. Is there anything formal where release, progress etc is announced/posted? No complains,…
Help with Configuration to Use Next DNS with a VPN
Hi, I need help setting up NextDNS with Proton VPN on Ubuntu Studio 24.04. I have no DNS resolution when I turn on my VPN; the thing is, I am sure it used to work when I used a cli version of the VPN…
Linking IP on one device steals it from another
I've been trying to get NextDNS up and running through the custom DNS options in ProtonVPN. It seems to work fine, so long as I only have one device. I add the IPs to ProtonVPN under Settings >…
The ability to manually add blocklists!
Hey there!
We'd really appreciate it if you could give us the ability to manually add blocklists in the privacy section. It would be awesome to have more control over what we block,…
Websites are not loading when DNS is activated
Most of the time I am using a mobile data connection, It always out of normal data and I'm using data packages for specific apps (Youtube,Telegram,Whatsapp,Microsoft 365,Zoom...…
Unidentified devices
Hello there, I have configured almost all devices from my home network but it seems it's not everything configured as it should be. I am receiving a lot of queries from "unidentified devices".…