Huge resolved amount of queries
I have Asus router AX4200 and DoT setup in it. PC with Windows 11 Pro. How to prevent this massive resolving of domains, especially *.nist.gov etc.? It's an unbearable call every minute.…
Temporary additions to allowlist
Is there a way to add a particular domain to the allowlist for a limited time (say an hour or a day)? Context: I sometimes have links that I want to follow once and once only,…
Issues with Vultr-FRA since 14.00h (EU Time)
Hi, looks like Vultr-FRA is having issues (150-200ms ping time) since today 14.00h EU Time. Maybe you can look into it.
Not Connected to Lowest Server
Hi, When I go to ping.nextdns.io, I saw that I don't connect to lowest server, In my case, instead of "vultar-tlv" which have 8ms, I connected to "anexia-tlv" which have 63ms, why? https://prnt.…
Better control of the clients on the Dashboard
Hello, I am new to NextDNS and I manage around 60 clients there. I really miss having better control over these machines, such as grouping them and manually removing inactive hostnames.
Rescindere abbonamento a NextDNS Manager
Ciao a tutti, come posso rescindere abbonamento a NextDNS manager ? Grazie. Ho visto un addebito su carta prepagata. Grazie.
clear logs?
Is there a way to clear logs in NextDNS cli?
NextDNS newbe question
It's my understanding that If I follow the guide https://github.com/nextdns/nextdns/wiki to configure my router, to be specfic I am running unifi. Will this then refer all my dns traffic from comcast…
Next DNS with Little Snitch on MacOS
Hello All, I am looking for guidance on how I can set up NextDNS with Little Snitch. When I set the DNS settings to custom and go with NextDNS, it only shows traffic to the Little Snitch Network…
Bad gambling filter
Hi I'm using AdguardHome on my house network with Hagezi Gambling blocklist filter. At home this filter block all gambling sites. But using NextDNS profile on mobile network with gambling filter I…
Denying Reddit only on chrome
Hi all, So I've this unique situation where i want to block reddit over just browser and not app. I wish there was user agent restriction along with domain, would've been cool.…
Custom schedule in Denylist (Allowlist).
Hi! I guess it would be helpful to add schedule feature in Deny/Allowlists. In simple way it could be the same clock sign (and same schedule) as in Parental Control section.…
How to subscribe
In order to subscribe: Go to your dashboard page on https://my.nextdns.io Click on the button with your email in the upper right corner of the page Select Account Click the Subscribe button Choose…
Where can I find 'Configuration ID'?
To configure NextDNS CLI (https://github.com/nextdns/nextdns/wiki) I need 'Configuration ID'. I see in my profile under 'ENDPOINTS' only 'ID'. If I use that the tool says 'An error append while…
NextDNS is set on the router but NextDNS says it’s using Cloudflare instead.
Everything is set properly. I can even see web traffic from my devices in a way, I can only see trackers not websites. For all of you who don’t understand Dutch,…
Block adult content images from Google
Hi, many people struggling whit porn, nextdns is perfect but it will more perfect if it blocks some image domain, like twitter or reddit
Many Apple properties work only after repeated attempts
Since around two weeks, many requests to Apple properties (App Store, Apple Music etc.) fail resulting in “Connection to App Store failed” messages, podcasts that won’t download etc.…
Anycast 2 in Brazil connects in France
Hi, I'm in Brazil and the anycast server 2 is connecting to "virtua-par" (France). This increases the delay by almost 200ms. This problem has been going on for a long time.…
NextDNS Not Connected to Closest Server
Hi, I use NextDNS as my primary DNS, when I go to https://ping.nextdns.io, I see that I connected to "anexia-tlv" with 72ms instead of "vultr-tlv" that have 9ms, why? Regards.
DNS Server issues
I am seeing queries to this server are mostly failing.
routing issue - Kazakhtecom in Kazakhstan
https://ping.nextdns.io/ hetzner-tbs 98 ms anexia-sto 99 ms (anycast2) worldstream-tbs 100 ms vultr-ams 105 ms (anycast1) vultr-tyo 127 ms (ultralow1) zepto-tyo 170 ms (ultralow2) anexia-del 182 ms…
2a07:a8c0:: unreachable
Hi, Since January 29, ipv6 DNS server 2a07:a8c0:: and 2a07:a8c1:: are not reachable from my location. Setting primary and secondary ipv6 DNS to 2a07:a8c0:: and 2a07:a8c1:: has failed since January 29,…
Credit card information
Hello, i just signed up for 12 months. I would like to remove my credit card details to avoid service autorenewal. How can i do that? Best regards
Whitelisted domain still blocked
Hi I use Nexdns on a Uiquity UDM Pro, and I have a strange situation. leroymerlin.ro and dedeman.ro is blocked even if it is whitelisted (the affiliate domains too).…