How does NextDNS handle type 65 requests?
Apparently "type 65" requests can by bypass configured DNS services. OpenDNS blocks them. How does NextDNS handle these requests?
Unable Verify signature Homebrew Github Installation
Running on MacOS and installed via https://github.com/nextdns/homebrew-tap. I would like to be able to verify signature for security. Is this going to be addressed?…
Nextdns down ?
I can no longer access my NextDNS account, with the following error messages in the screenshots
my.nextnds.io is down !
The administration page of nextdns is down for me, am i the only one ?
not working at all
hey why this is not working at all??
Feature custom blocklists
Can add custom blocklist via file upload like in pictures
Firefox + NextDNS + Windscribe on macOS
This is a question regarding a configuration that I am trying to get it work. However I might be wrong and it can't be done, let me know. 1. macOS 12.4 with NextDNS configuration profile installed.…