Question about DNS Queries with NextDNS
I was exploring NextDNS, and am confused about how dns-queries are counted in my account. Here is the setup I am using currently: Single DNS Profile NextDNS IP Configured on my Router NextDNS App on…
Multiple Dedicated IP Addresses on Single WAN Connection
Hi, I have multiple dedicated IP addresses and was curious how NextDNS handles this as I noticed that the DNS is tied to an IP address. If a request came in from a different IP,…
TLD Feature Request
Hello all! Noticed a missing TLD in the Top Level Domains list and can't add manually. *.pt-br Please upgrade Good Work
I was using 2 factor authentication for Google authenticator, I had to format my old phone. After reinstalling the software all my authentication accounts were deleted.…
Route optimization to get better Ping/Latency
Diag: https://nextdns.io/diag/ab63c860-5209-11ed-bb65-5f2e6c4fb134 Please route us to your HK servers. That's our usual go-to server even from other dns providers etc.…
Issues with certain IPs that can't connect to NextDNS
Hello NextDNS community, I've been struggling with this issue for months, I've tried to debug it but can't think of any solutions currently, please suggest them? The issue:…
NextDNS Servers Down?
Does anyone know what's going on? This keeps happening. Can't ping or resolve against them using dig. NextDNS app on Unifi (using DoT/Doh) timing out according to the logs.
Comments for Allow/Block Lists
Enable the ability to add a small comment to the allow/block list items to help the user remember why an item was added.
NextDNS not working
Hello, It's been a few days since DNS stopped working on my TP LINK router. It has DDNS activated and working, dns configured with nextdns and still the filtering does not work,…
Setup issues with TP LINK Deco - pls help!
I'm a newbie here so please bear with me. I've entered my IPv4 & IPv6 settings on the my TP Link Deco Advanced > IPv4 > Internet Connection Type also on Advanced > IPv6 > Internet Connection Type On…
TON DNS support
Would be awesome if among others web3 supported projects would be even toncoin with its ton DNS. With the right proxy (in1.ton.org:8080) you can already visit some sites (searching.ton, whales.…
Log errors "doh resolve: context deadline exceeded"
I have recently started to see groups of entries like this quite often in logs. Any clue what's happening?! May 6 08:01:36 nextdns[2318]: Query <client ip> UDP A clients3.google.com.…
NextDNS CLI not seeing client IP Addresses
Hi all, I am using NextDNS CLI in a docker container as a sidecar to my pihole DNS/DHCP Server. Sadly, the nextDNS CLI only sees incoming requests coming from localhost/…
Exclude WIFI Networks (Windows App)
I would like to have the option, that NextDNS should automatically Disconnect if someone is connected to our Homenetwork, because the PC/Notebook should connect to the Active Directory Domain…
Ping/Latency Issues
Hi, I just recently subscribed to your 1 year Pro Plan cause I was really impressed with your service. I do however have some minor concerns about latency (I could slightly feel the difference…
Lot of disconnections, NextDNS CLI has to be reinstalled every 2 days
I am experiencing a lot of disconnections the last few months .Today I experienced a few of them so I checked my logs. I am suspecting it has something to do with NextDNS.…
Limit user Wi-Fi speed
I want to ask if I could limit speed for specific device in my router using NextDNS
Troubles with DNS resolving
Hello there, I have a trouble with DNS resolving on address. Here is report - https://nextdns.io/diag/18ce6cb0-3dc0-11ed-b896-bf7307c02e9d Can you help me please?…
Report: the blocklist filter "Goodbye Ads" is blocking Epic Games for some reason
Hi everyone! I had added this blocklist some days ago and thats generated me troubles with Fortnite and the Epic Games Launcher, I had to monitoring the queries to realize that Goodbye Ads was…
AdBlock Test
Hi to the developers. On the website https://adblock-tester.com/ some tests fail. Might be another option to orientate yourself to become even more efficient
ping.nextdns.io doesn’t work in Optus Mobile
ping.nextdns.io is not working in Optus Mobile using Ultra Low Latency Mode. It doesn’t show which server I am connected. Please see attached. ping.nextdns.io shows I am not connected but test.…
High network latency in Vietnam on September 20, 2022
Country: Vietnam ISP: Viettel IPv6: Yes Anycast: Yes Diag: https://nextdns.io/diag/550d9830-388a-11ed-9d1a-f13b526e55a7 The ultralow server is still working fine,…
NextDNS with UDM Custom Config - HELP
I am trying to set up just one VLAN on the UDM Pro to be linked up to NextDNS. I tried to install NextDNS from my Mac Terminal and its auto-configured 2 NextDNS IDs to different Mac Addresses and…
NextDNS on OpenWRT Router - Blocks Work & School VPNs
I set up NextDNS on my router using OpenWRT and was able to apply profiles by MAC address using the instructions for Conditional Configuration on the wiki - this was working great until I noticed…