Test DNS query?
Hi, is there any testing domain (or documents) available on how NextDNS responds to a query, when domain is blocked? I need to know for DNS types A and MX what's the response,…
Can anyone confirm that the domain found in my logs today indicate a WiFi call initiated: “ss.epdg.epc.mnc260.mcc310.pub.3gppnetwork.org”
Hey everyone. I’m trying to find out if this was indeed WiFi calls going out through the night last night. From what I’ve found, it’s definitely WiFi calls. It’s from T-Mobile using an iPhone 15.…
Deco router using old profile
I've got an issue that I haven't been able to resolve after a weekend of effort. I have a Deco x60 mesh system. At some point last year it was set up to use a particular profile.…
NextDNS app in OpenWRT support DNS-over-QUIC?
I installed the official NextDNS application via opkg on OpenWrt 24.10.0 and configured it through the graphical interface. Everything worked immediately after entering the identifier.…
Setup entreprise
Hello, I’m currently testing NextDNS. It looks good. I want to deploy it in the company, starting with a test for about 20 people. I plan to install it on Windows, macOS, and Linux,…
Resolver Keeps Toggling
Hey all, The indicator bar in my account's 'Setup' page keeps toggling from "All good!" to "This device is not using NextDNS". I went the 'easy route' and am only using the app on my machine and have…
"This device is not using NextDNS" despite already configured with various ways
I'm currently on Linux (Arch-based/Cachy OS) and trying to config with dnsmasq to use. I followed the exact way as shown on the setup page. However even after a reboot, nothing really work.…
Why there is a difference between the address put in the configuration guide and the dns server address?
Well it’s mostly in the title. But for everyone of my configuration setups there is always the dns server address ending with a x.x.x.0 ending with a 0.…
allow clicking on ads
when I setup NextDNS, I remember seeing something about how to allow ads you actively click on, both on websites and email to be displayed. Unfortunately I didn't enable it at that time,…
Need Help!! - Dynamic Switch Profile
Hi all, I’m a freelancer with a team of two developers, and I primarily get most of my projects through Upwork. I’m planning to hire a salesperson to handle Upwork bidding,…
change email address
Hello I changed my email address, and unfirtunately I can not connect any more. Can you please check my account? revert the previous email address. I check the cookie and unfortunately,…
NextDNS, HTTPS DNS Proxy and Devices
It there anyway to log devices separately without using NextDNS CLI on my router (Cudy WR3000 v1)? I have HTTPS DNS Proxy setup with NextDNS, instead. OpenWRT 24.…
Can I have all traffic blocked at certain times for 1 profile?
Hi, I'm a long time user and have parental controls in place for my kids. What I miss is the ability to have all traffic blocked from (for instance) 21:00 to 07:00.…
Doesn’t using device DNS over TLS/QUIC make you more trackable?
What are the privacy implications of using DNS over TLS/QUIC compared to DNS over HTTPS? As far as I can understand it, requesting ConfigID.nextdns.io means anyone who can monitor your network…
Encrypted DNS on Unifi?
On Unifi, I can add secure dns, however when I put in the URL, I get an error that I need a url that starts with sddns://, is this something that will be supported in the future,…
ECS removed when on vpn wire guard
Hi not sure where my issue is yet No issues : iPhone using profile UniFi using nextdns cli wifi or cellular dnscheck.tools reports ECS subnet When I use wire guard vpn into the UniFi ECS is lost when…
Deploying via MDM
Hello, I want to deploy NextDNS to macOS devices via MDM. It just takes a few clicks to download the profile and push it to the computers via MDM. However,…
2024 Ubiquiti DNS Shield Configuration Issue
I noticed that Ubiquiti now allows the use of DNS Shield which allows DNS over HTTPS within the Dream Machine Pro's Controller software. I also noticed that NextDNS has 3 entries in the UniFi control…
"This device is using NextDNS with no profile" on Windows 10
This only seems to be a problem on a single user on this desktop. Switching to a different user and checking there, NextDNS appears to be functioning properly.…
DoH on Cisco IOS XE IOx
Cisco IOS XE does not natively support DoH (other than for/with Umbrella). For platforms that support IOx, such as in my case an ISR 1k, it is possible to deploy the NextDNS CLI client in a container.…
Identify devices
On the mobile phone on the private DNS I put what is indicated on installation, on the "installation" page of Next DNS I read at the bottom of the page to enable send device name in the app settings…
NextDNS newbe question
It's my understanding that If I follow the guide https://github.com/nextdns/nextdns/wiki to configure my router, to be specfic I am running unifi. Will this then refer all my dns traffic from comcast…
random device_id
Following the CLI setup for nextDNS on my Flint2 (openwrt) resolved the "unidentified devices" issue, now showing devices with random device IDs and with device type label below.…
Unifi UDMP-SE Custom DNS Shield - Multiple Profiles/Servers?
I have multiple profiles on my NextDNS service. I use the NextDNS CLI on my UDM Pro SE and my config file for that assigns the profile based on the network or MAC address of the device.…
[GUIDE] How to force NextDNS use the fastest edge server
I noticed that there are many threads are about the routing issues. We have found a solution for this, the original post is here. (If you can read Chinese) 1.…
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