Configuration Profile clashes with web development software Laravel Herd
Laravel Herd uses DNSMasq. When I have the NextDNS Configuration profile installed DNSMasq does not work.
Unable to resolve handshake domain
I have enabled the web3 option but cannot resolve handshake domains (e.g. http://namebase/ ) However, I can resolve ENS domains like vitalik.eth
Payment Fails
Unable to pay and subscribe for the PRO plan. Can Next DNS look into the flaw in their automatic payment processing for indian consumers?
NextDNS is causing the Kayo app to freeze, lock up and crash
I'm running NextDNS on my Amazon TV Firestick 4K Max which includes the default built-in 'NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist'. I'm also blocking a few choice domains as well – *.ark.tubi.video, *.…
False Positive: archive.today & its other domains
Yes, I have seen the other posts regarding this... https://help.nextdns.io/search?v=p&q=archive https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36578250 ALL NextDNS Security features disabled do not fix it.…
Anycast for IPv4 and IPv6 not a same
Hi I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When use only IPv4 with my internet provider (Movistar with fiber) on my home, anycast is Brazil for 1 and 2. When use IPv6,…
"Goodbye Ads" and "StevenBlack" block Google RCS and Youtube Search History.
I have finally discovered the source of my issue and it is embarrassing. The "Goodbye Ads" blocklist in NextDNS was the culprit. it was blocking these important domains,…
EDNS - ECS problem
Hi everyone, I’ve been having an issue with NextDNS's "Anonymized EDNS Client Subnet" feature. When it’s enabled, my subnet ip advertised is from São Paulo, even though I’m located in Brasília.…
NextDNS slow and non-responsive
Def seeing issues today. Is there a general status page somewhere so we can keep an eye on these things?
iOS mail notifications delayed
My iOS mail notifications are delayed, and I often have to open the mail app to retrieve new mails. Disabling the dns profile on my phone (iPhone 14, iOS 18.3.2) fixes the issue
Setting Up to Replace HTTPS on Windows 11 Issue
I tried to use the instructions on editing the DNS settings in Windows 11 with the Preferred DNS and Alternative DNS information the instructions provided,…
at Mikrotik router received a messages: DoH server connection error: while finished - Connection reset by peer
at Mikrotik router received a messages: DoH server connection error: while finished - Connection reset by peer
Issue with adding a .top domain to NextDNS
Hello NextDNS Support Team, I am currently experiencing an issue while attempting to add a .top domain to my NextDNS configuration. When I input the domain name and click "Add",…
Primary DNS Server Not Reachable.
Hi Team, My Primary DNS Server is not reachable. https://nextdns.io/diag/b8daa700-041f-11f0-97ab-f97b7a53f90d
Web pages fail to load with Next DNS
I’ve been experiencing issues with NextDNS configured on router where web pages fail to load, but switching to other DNS services resolves the problem.
[Android] Couldn't connect to Private DNS server
My Android phone cannot connect to the private DNS server set to the NextDNS server, so it cannot connect to the internet either. When I disable private DNS or set another DNS provider,…
Domain Spamming DNS
So, I've only realised now that for the past several months I've been spammed by this domain that's being blocked by NextDNS. I'm not sure what exactly is going on,…
UDM Pro - DNS filtering slowing network to a crawl
Hello, We are experiencing extremely slow speeds using the next DNS filtering service at one particular site. We use the service at approximately 25 sites with no issue.…
hufilter hasn't been updated in over a year
The source repository of hufilter was changed a whole ago. Please check if it's pulling updates from the source https://github.com/hufilter/hufilter. It used to be https://github.…
Energized Protection Lists Active Again at New URLs
The Energized Protection blocklists are active once more and being updated daily. Could NextDNS staff please re-enable these blocklists in NextDNS by pulling from the new updated list locations?…
Anycast 2 is now anexia-mnz instead of anexia-lon
Afternoon, Similar issue to previous reports - the routing seems to have screwed up for anycast 2 from AANET - not sure why it's gone to a server so far away again when there's many closer servers...…
Not closest server
I would like to know why I am not connecting to the lowest ping server and am instead going to Europe when I am on the East Coast of the US. This only happens using the windows nextdns app,…
nextdns profile iphone breaks content restrictions
I added nextdns to a teen phone only to block ads and tracking that I had previously setup with parental control. He was able to access sites the family had discussed not viewing.…
Secondary server poor performance and bad routing in Brazil
I spent months and months (Almost a year) without the secondary server (Not even the ping worked), now the secondary server is working again but with very poor performance,…
Facebook and Instagram are not blocked
Hi there, The blocking worked very well in the beginning after that stopped.
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