How do you configure Wireguard Peer to use TLS?
Hi Everyone, I want to use DNS over TLS on my peers, but I am unsure how to do it. I tried updating the DNS field with my account ID, but it did not work.…
Can anyone confirm that the domain found in my logs today indicate a WiFi call initiated: “ss.epdg.epc.mnc260.mcc310.pub.3gppnetwork.org”
Hey everyone. I’m trying to find out if this was indeed WiFi calls going out through the night last night. From what I’ve found, it’s definitely WiFi calls. It’s from T-Mobile using an iPhone 15.…
iOS Control Button
Hello, I would like to request a feature in the iOS app where a control button can be added to turn NextDNS on/off easily. This would be helpful on the rare occasoin when a site or app is not working…
Add iPhone 16e to the device model list
Hi. As iPhone 16e has officially been released, I think it's time to add the device to the list in the Apple setup page.
Wifi 2.4 e 5 ghz funcionam igual?
Instalei o NextDNS para bloquear alguns sites, queria que todos os dispositivos tivese a mesma configuração, mas meu notebook usa o 2.4 e meu celular 5 ghz,…
X.com is not being blocked.
Despite the fact that I have enabled blocking X (aka Twitter) under Websites, Apps & Games as well as the Social Media category in the Parental Control section and added Twitter.com and X.…
May I ask how to open NextDNS at the same time using Shadowrocket?
I filled in DNS-over-HTTPS in the dns overwrite box in Shadowrocket, but NextDNS did not check my device.
ECS removed when on vpn wire guard
Hi not sure where my issue is yet No issues : iPhone using profile UniFi using nextdns cli wifi or cellular dnscheck.tools reports ECS subnet When I use wire guard vpn into the UniFi ECS is lost when…
Next Dash Dns
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share my app with you. It provides more information than the official web frontend and primarily uses SSE events. Check out the Reddit post for more details!
facebook not blocked
When using parental controls and blocking by an "APP" I have selected facebook as being blocked, and any request that come for www.facebook.com is blocked however anything coming to www.web.facebook.…
Hi! The past few weeks i've seen a single domain more and more that's being blocked. "use-application-dns.net" coming from only my iPhone. I don't exactly know which app is trying to reach this…
iOS Mail App Issue
I have an AVM FritzBox 7530 AX with DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS v4 servers. On iOS devices connected to the WiFi network and the iOS Mail application, they can’t download new messages.…
How to block Shorts in Youtube App?
I need to block Youtube Shorts on iPhone, but not all youtube. How to do it? I can only block youtube.com domain. I’ve tried shorts.youtube.com but it doesn’t work
NextDNS stopped working on my iOS device (iOS 15.6.1)
Hi all, My iOS device has recently stopped querying NextDNS (as reported on the my.nextdns.io dashboard). This occurs over cellular (LTE) as well as on my school WiFi.…
mobileconfig apple
does it make much difference if you create an apple.nextdns.io profile and change it to, say, from https://apple.dns.nextdns.io/yourid/devicename to https://dns.nextdns.…
Installed DNS profile’s not showing on iOS 18 setting app.
I don’t think this problem is exclusively for the NextDNS profile, but I wanna know if there’s other users experiencing this problem or any workaround. As shown on the image,…
Issue verifying NextDNS connection on iOS Cellular LTE
I have been dealing with an issue where I am unable to receive confirmation that my iPhone 12 Mini is being properly connected to the NextDNS Servers. I should note,…
Issue with verifying NextDNS Connection on iOS Cellular LTE
I have been dealing with an issue where I am unable to receive confirmation that my iPhone 12 Mini is being properly connected to the NextDNS Servers. I should note,…
Install issue for iPhone with iOS 18.3
I follow the Setup Guide, download Configuration Profile. After install, how do I know it is working? Then I download the NextDNS for iOS apps. Then I can find it in table Devices under Analytics…
iPhone iOS 18.2 can’t resolve hostnames when changing networks, possibly DoH problems
When I’m connected to home WiFi and leave the network, iPhone normally switches to mobile data. I can’t browse the web for some time or until I restart device.…
Affiliate Links seem to be broken
Clicking on an affiliate or tracking link from emails or websites seem to be broken and the page simply doesn't redirect or load. Correct me if I'm wrong,…
[Request] Allow excluding cellular networks with Apple profiles
Hi, I believe this was discussed before, but I cannot find the thread in question. Any chance for an option to disable NextDNS when using cellular networks,…
What are Queries?
What are queries in specific?
iOS devices no longer connecting to WiFi
Today I've noticed that all iOS devices in our household that have the NextDNS profile installed can no longer connect via WiFi. I've tried the following steps to resolve:…