Android Private DNS no logs
For the first few weeks of using Private DNS setting on my Android device, logs were working. Now if I I try to see.my device logs, there are only entries from a few weeks ago and no new logs.…
AppleTV 4K won't log anything
Hey there. I didn't see this in searches so apologize if I am doubling up. I've added a custom profile to the appletv successfully, it is verified and uses the AppleTV configuration id in my NextDNS…
DNS bad resolve
In the latter, I have a lot of problems using NextDNS. like can't play Black desert, PUBG Mobile it show can't connect server but I try use google dns or cloudflare that can solve the problem.…
Cant install NextDNS via Ubios CLI
I tried to install NextDNS both inside and outside the root container and still it gives me the following error.. root@ubnt:/# nextdns config set -setup-router=true bash: nextdns:…
Cant get NextDNS setup on UDM Pro
Hello, I've been trying to setup NextDNS CLI on UDM Pro but with no success. I went through every installation step listed under the setup guide and got it installed.…
Cannot Override DNS 1 and DNS 2 on Smartphones
Hello, I change both DNS addresses to NextDNS but when I check my current DNS addresses on a website, it shows 2 DNS addresses that belong to Google and 1 DNS address that belongs to other provider.…
NextDNS in PfSense
Hello and good day to you. I followed the instructions for configuring DNS in PfSense, but it does not appear to be connected. I'm doing it with VMWare.…
NextDNS Blocks OpenWeb Comments Element
Hello, I have disabled different features in dashboard and removed all blocklists from blocklist. I still cannot get OpenWeb comments element loaded. As soon as I changed DNS services to different…
Import/Export Config
Have a wonderful day! I'm just wondering how I can import and export my configurations if I want to share my setup with another account.
Ultralow and Anycast Routing System Network Server in NextDNS CLI Client in Windows
As a novice user in Indonesia , I had a little trouble knowing which PoP Server was connected where there were two routes: "anycast (1) (2)" and "ultralow (1) (2)".…
No 30% bonus
Hi, A friend of mine used my link to subscribe. He arrived on a trial account after following my link, then he signed up with the button above. Now his account is opened,…
NextDNS on EdgeOS with Split Horizon
Hi Everyone, I've recently been testing out NextDNS and just configured it on my EdgeRouter 4. I have a local DNS server for my lab, and wanted to point my domain to that.…
nextDNS not playing nice with ProtonVPN
Hi I have nextDNS working on my Mac fine. But when I create a ProtonVPN tunnel to browse, the browser is unable to open any site. I have to disable nextDNS first.…
UDM Base unable to re-install
Good day all, I had NextDNS up and running. Then I figured out I could change ID number for each device. So I wanted to give my Ubiquiti Dream Machine a new ID. I know I did it the wrong way.…
NextDNS not working on iPhone & iPad
On both my iPhone and my iPad I have installed the NextDNS App to use NextDNS. In the iOS settings I have selected NextDNS. Still my.nextdns.io reports that I’m not using NextDNS...…
Latency and responsiveness [Quezon City, Philippines]
Hello! I wish to know if there is anything that can be done regarding improving latency with nextdns. I ran some tests using the diagnostic tool of nextdns and google dns just to see if there was a…
Setting up NextDNS on AWS EC2
Hello - we are currently trying to setup a proxy server on EC2 (AWS) so that we can resolve Handshake domains. When I try the systemd-resolved option, we are getting the following for all 4 DNS…
OpenWrt Router as DNS Server Only
Just curious if anyone had tried this or knows how I could try it. I have an old router that I can flash OpenWrt; wondering if I could use it solely for NextDNS cli,…
Outlook errors with NextDNS
HI: I am new to NextDNS. I am having an issue where outlook stops receiving new email. If I disable NextDNS for a second or two then re enable everything works again for a period of time (something…
Not working on Mac, with app: "This device is using NextDNS with no configuration."
Asus router config was not working for my Mac using the router CLI. So now I'm trying the NextDNS app from App Store. And I'm still seeing "This device is using NextDNS with no configuration.…
Ultra Low not Working Correctly in Optus Mobile - Australia (Melbourne)
@Olivier Poitrey @Romain , can you please help and check the routing of Ultra Low Latency for Optus Mobile here in Melbourne, Australia? It seems it’s not working as expected? Please see attached.…
Paid the subscription yet I keep getting warnings
Anyone else pay for the full year yet still receives exceeded the free limit?
Hello i get a lot of log entrys with "blockpage.nextdns.io" searched about that cannot find any reference, someone can explain what that entry means? Thanks in advanced
Nextdns and iOS 10?
I have an old iPad 4 with iOS 10.3.4 (latest available) I would like to configure nextDNS in it, but the appstore app crashes at start and I cannot use the profile (because I don't have iOS 14 in…
Profile corrupted Apple tv
I am trying to add the config to Apple TV. I keep getting this error: bad profile. The profile is corrupted and cannot be read i have used mega, google drive, and iCloud Drive.