Private DNS says "Connected without internet"
Hi, Recently, some users reported to me that Android devices using Private DNS show an error message "Connected without internet". But if you switch to another DNS server (example: Google DNS,..…
Unable to Duplicate my profle but able to create a new profile without duplicating.
@NextDNS I am unable to duplicate my Nextdns profile when i try to Duplicate my Profile i get an error message ( Network Error Unable to post profiles).…
[Issue] Reddit Doesn't Load When Using Private DNS with NextDNS on Samsung S23
I've been facing an issue where Reddit doesn't load when I have Private DNS enabled on my Samsung Galaxy S23 with NextDNS. Reddit works perfectly fine if I either disable Private DNS or use a VPN…
Why was I banned from the service?
I subscribed about a week ago, and today I was surprised to be banned from the service. When I ping it gives me timeout
Different profiles on Pc / phone and router
Hello, I'm a total newby and not tech saavy as you all seem to be but I managed to implement nextDNS on my private network. I was wondering, if I want more restrictive settings for my children (they…
NXdomain what is it? I'm being bombarded by it.
I have no idea what NXdomain is. After being hit by it several times, I decided to look it up, apparently it's something to do with ISP's trying to highjack DNS request.…
Android: DNS-over-TLS/QUIC stops working when switching from wifi to mobile network
I've been using NextDNS for quite some time and all has been working as intended, but recently I started experiencing the issue that everytime I: Switch from wifi -> mobile network results in the…
Issue with Nextdns DNSSEC.
I have tested my nextdns DNSSEC and there are 4 errors in the test please solve this issue.
NXdomain what is it? I'm being bombarded by it
have no idea what NXdomain is. After being hit by it several times, I decided to look it up, apparently it's something to do with ISP's trying to highjack DNS request.…
"Network has no internet access" when work profile (work apps) is enabled
Pixel 8, Android 14 latest version (June 2024 feature update) Scenario: I use the private dns feature built into Android to use NextDNS. I also use my phone for Work apps (that uses a VPN for the…
IP leak ProtonVPN
Accidentally I clicked "link IP" in NextDNS on my Android so my personal IP was visible even with ProtonVPN on. I copied the profile to a new profile, I reconfigured everything and then deleted the…
Block elements on a web page
How to block a child website (or any element) without blocking the entire domain of that website. For example I want to block "cats-age-fe-czjj.onrender.com/audio/ok.…
Sub-Profiles/Paranoia settings for Quickly switching settings using a widget on mobile
Hi, I’d like to suggest a feature that could significantly enhance the flexibility and usability of NextDNS on mobile phones. The idea is to allow users to create multiple configurations or…
How to view combined analytics stats of different profiles ?
I recently subscribed to Next DNS, I created various profiles for myself and for my family members. Is there a way I can see the combined analytics stats of all profiles ?
Hotspot Connection issues with DNS enabled on AT&T Network
Hey guys, hoping someone can help with this. I have AT&T, and whenever NextDNS is enabled on my phone, I cannot turn on my wireless hotspot. If anyone has any idea what setting I may need to enable…
How to delete/unlink my IP from NextDNS?
Is there a way to unlink my IP from NextDNS? (Please check the image for reference). The option I am talking about can be found next to Endpoints under Setup page.…
It's a feature rather a Bug
Hi Thanks for this filter. It is really a great help and needed at the time However, I am looking for an option to allow access to only allowlist. Is it possible to add an option to allow web…
Why am i getting routed to Indian servers on private dns when the closest server is Dubai servers??
I am from Karachi, Pakistan and the closest server to me is Dubai servers and not the indian Delhi/Mumbai servers as i get around 20-30ms ping on dubai but on indian servers i am getting above 180ms…
Problemas todo el día hoy - 19/8/2024
NextDNS ha estado caido el dia de hoy.? he tenido problemas en todos mis dispositivos que los tengo con el DNS, no es con mi wifi/router.
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page This makes it much more personalized
Request for Low Latency NextDNS Servers in Karachi, Pakistan
Dear NextDNS Support Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request the establishment or optimization of DNS servers in Karachi, Pakistan.…
Blocking Web Sites
I want to bypass sites banned by the Turkish government with DNS. I installed it on my Android phone, but the sites are still banned
Private DNS server cannot be accessed when switching to Mobile (Bell Canada)
I have a Samsung S24 Ultra (this same thing was happening on my S23 Ultra as well). It is setup with Private DNS (netid.dns.nextdns.io). I've also tried with a hostname at the start (phone.netid.…
Masking Website Visits from ISP with DNS (Without VPN)
Can I use DNS to make my ISP see different website names than the ones I'm actually visiting, without using a VPN? For example, can I make it look like I'm visiting youtube.…
Masking Website Visits from ISP with DNS (Without VPN)
Can I use DNS to make my ISP see different website names than the ones I'm actually visiting, without using a VPN? For example, can I make it look like I'm visiting youtube.…