Need Help!! - Dynamic Switch Profile
Hi all, I’m a freelancer with a team of two developers, and I primarily get most of my projects through Upwork. I’m planning to hire a salesperson to handle Upwork bidding,…
Questions and Concerns regarding NextDNS current status
Dear NextDNS Team, I'm a paying subscriber for almost a year. I really like your service and consider it to be overall better than alternatives like Control D.…
Doesn’t using device DNS over TLS/QUIC make you more trackable?
What are the privacy implications of using DNS over TLS/QUIC compared to DNS over HTTPS? As far as I can understand it, requesting ConfigID.nextdns.io means anyone who can monitor your network…
Polskie listy blokujące. versja 2.
NextDNS Nieprzerwanie od marca 2020 roku prowadzimy Listę Ostrzeżeń przed niebezpiecznymi stronami. 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu wpisujemy na listę domeny,…
Identify devices
On the mobile phone on the private DNS I put what is indicated on installation, on the "installation" page of Next DNS I read at the bottom of the page to enable send device name in the app settings…
Wildcard block domain
Hi, I am looking for a way to block all these mtalk subcomains.
NextDNS newbe question
It's my understanding that If I follow the guide https://github.com/nextdns/nextdns/wiki to configure my router, to be specfic I am running unifi. Will this then refer all my dns traffic from comcast…
Add Badblock
I would like to see blocklist options for Badblock https://codeberg.org/celenity/BadBlock
Change email address misspelled
I recently made a mistake when signing up for a membership - I accidentally misspelled the domain name in my email address. I'm hoping to get some help in resolving this issue.…
Windows Updates, Defender, Edge | Worth | Bug Report.
Can this effect Windows Updates, Windows Defender and Edge? I know some people say that adding multiple blocklists is redundant, but I’ve noticed that the dashboard automatically marks items as…
Custom AdList
Hello, a cool feature would be to add my own custom AdList directly to the Others.
Phone knows when we sleep? Is that crazy?
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like their devices seem to "know" when they fall asleep?? I really think so... at night I can watch the dns logs coming through and can always tell when ppl in…
Duplicates & Duds
I've been experiencing phone hacking for quite soemtime, since using nextdns I have noticed a dramatic improvement in my device response and performance.…
Streamlining Efficiency: Replacing Outdated Filter Lists with Regularly Updated Ones
Shouldn't NextDNS take the initiative to review their filter lists and remove those that are no longer regularly updated? Lists that haven't been updated in over a year should be replaced with new,…
BUG: Windows 11 DoH with NextDNS
I tried to setup NextDNS DoH on my Windows 11, and it shows that I'm connected to NextDNS and the test.nextdns shows DoH. However when I visit URL that in blocked category it loads normally!…
"Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List" has zero entries + false sense of security + discontinued
Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List has zero entries and is discontinued. Users which doesn't notice this get a false-sense of Security and can be harmful to NextDNS users.…
Add and increase limit
1. First thing is it doesn't block instantly in parental control like youtube and other apps at once.. 2. Increase query limit in free plan to 500,000 at least.. 3.…
Log and privacy settings
I would like to have a clarification, for security and privacy the three items you see in the picture should be active or should be disabled, they are in the settings,…
d3e54v103j8qbb.cloudfront.net been blocked by threat intelligence feed
Some sites (Webflow dashboard, webflow published sites...) displays a blank white page screen due to a blocked domain by NextDNS threat intelligence feed. It's blocking the domain d3e54v103j8qbb.…
New Idea: Custom Blocklists
Allow users to import custom blocklists from a git repo in the standard format. This would alleviate a lot o the gripes people have, allow them to subscribe to more expansive lists (or create their…
It's Time for NextDNS to Implement ODoH
Contents 1. Enhanced Privacy 2. Stronger Protection Against DNS Attacks 3. More Privacy for Users in Public Networks 4. Adopting a Global Standard for Privacy Why It's Time for NextDNS to Implement…
Why is NextDNS resorting back to using Russian DNS servers -
NextDNS fixed this issue overnight, yet the Russian DNS server - has returned. Why? ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH Russia, Moscow 66.135.25.…
DNS-queries go to the wrong profile-ID. Bug in ECS/hostname/SNI?!
Background: I have had one profile-ID since I started using DNS years ago. Let's call this profile-ID "aaaaaa". A week ago I created a new profile since my old ID has leaked.…
please help I installed nextdns but bitdefender vpn is not working