What happens after 300k queries?

NextDNS can be used for free up to 300k queries per month. Once this limit is reached, it becomes a standard DNS resolver, with no filtering, no logging etc.

You get a first email notification when crossing 250k queries and another one when the 300k limit is reached.

A paid plan gives unlimited queries.

32 replies

    • Gianluca_Ulivi
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    After reaching 300K will the rewrite functionality also be blocked?

    • Malaya_bernin
    • 1 yr ago
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    Does this mean my queries are up? I’m kinda new here and I’ve used NextDNS for almost 3 weeks… I checked my logs today and this is all that shows up it wasn’t like this before 

    • game0008
    • 1 yr ago
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    I am quickly approaching my 300k query limit on NextDNS, and I've noticed that one particular service, Stremio, is responsible for a large portion of these queries. It seems to generate thousands of queries within just an hour or even half an hour. I have set up NextDNS using portmaster, and I'm wondering if there's a way to whitelist Stremio so that its traffic doesn't go through NextDNS. This would allow me to avoid unnecessary filtering and prevent Stremio from using up my free queries.

      • A_Somith
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       I wanna say you just need to add the domain for Stremio to the allowlist and you should be fine.

    • Mike_B
    • 2 mths ago
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    I've been using this since I heard about it almost 2 years ago. I'm on the free plan, and have a single profile on my account configured for my laptop, tablet, and smartphone. At times, I have used my own profile to demonstrate the benefits and functionality of NextDNS to friends and family members. I use the internet well more than "frequently" and I have never gotten anywhere near the warning level. To be honest, they could cut the free limit in half and there would still be enough to never run out on a personal account. I LOVE NextDNS!

      • Odin
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view


      Siento decirte que "utilizar bien" no seria el termino mas adecuado. Vpn + torrent en un solo dia facilmente casi 100k con Yogadns

      Nextdns es buen servicio no se puede negar, ahora bien, bastante limitado como free.

      • Mike_B
      • 1 mth ago
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       No uso una VPN, pero hago torrents con bastante frecuencia. Tampoco uso Yoga DNS; más bien, he configurado NextDNS en mi configuración de Windows como el proveedor de DNS estándar. Puede ser que el uso de VPN sea lo que le esté causando el mayor número de consultas, pero no lo sé.