What A and AAAA labels mean in the logs?

Those are the type of DNS queries performed by your device. The A  type is used to resolve IPv4 address and AAAA  for IPv6.

Typically, you either see A alone or duplicated queries for A  and AAAA . Those duplications are expected, it means your network is dual stack (supports both IPv4 and IPv6). Note that we do *not* count two queries against the free plan limit for dual stack networks.

3 replies

    • Robbie_Campbell
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    What does 65521 mean in the same context (it shows in logs in the same place A, AAAA, etc shows)? I Gsearched 65521 adding various combos of CNAME DNS AAAA & IP etc with no luck.

    • Robbie_Campbell
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks so much for the response! That was fast & informative, painting a clear & compete picture of what 65521 is without extraneous details, junk data, or fluff...Kinda like how NextDNS's servers respond to DNS queries... Rapidly providing IP Addresses translated from domain names... and leaving out the junk, fluff, distraction & even the danger of irrelevant & unwanted data.