
If NextDNS is already translated in your language, but you see some mistakes or want to suggest improvements, you can do it easily by signing up to Crowdin and suggest the changes at https://crowdin.com/project/nextdns.

If NextDNS is not yet translated in your language, please talk to us by email at support@nextdns.io so we can set you up.

🎁 We reward anyone who help a lot with free subscriptions for themselves, their friends and family.

How to help

First, you need to sign up on Crowdin (it's free).

The minimum you can do to help is go over the strings in your language in Crowdin, and upvote and/or downvote the translations that are good/bad. The more people do this, the better the final translation will be. And if you feel like suggesting a change (even small), please do, it's super easy.

Rules & Tips

Please read the following to make sure your work is not wasted and the translations end up looking great and consistent.


Make sure you read the context for each string on Crowdin (it's hidden by default and is positioned just under the english source string). Contexts look like paths, e.g. "setup -> guide -> platforms -> android -> guides -> private -> title".

Be consistent

Make sure the same terms are used throughout all the translations. This is important for tech terms (like "cryptojacking") but also for common verbs and nouns (like "log in", "sign up", "payment method", etc.).

Formal vs. informal

Some languages have more than one way of addressing someone. Use the following:

  • French: "vous"
  • German: "Sie"
  • Dutch: "je"
  • Spanish: "tú"
  • Italian: "tu"
  • Brazilian Portuguese: "você"
  • Danish: "du"
  • Norwegian: "du"
  • Swedish: "du"
  • Finnish: "sinä"
  • Indonesian: "Anda"
  • Simplified Chinese: "你"
  • Traditional Chinese: "您"

If your language is not listed, please talk to us before translating.

Note: We usually match what Google uses (open https://accounts.google.com/signin in Incognito mode).

Tech terms

For tech terms that originates from other companies (like "Google Safe Browsing", "YouTube Restricted Mode" or "Private DNS" on Android), make sure you translate them exactly the same way as they do.

For more general tech terms (like "cryptojacking" or "DNS Rebinding"), our suggestion is to figure out how the popular tech press in your language usually name those. Wikipedia can also be a good way to figure this out (when available).

For menus and buttons mentioned in the Setup Guide, please match exactly the translations of the operating system or browser.


Some translations contain tags like {{tag}} or <n></n>. Make sure the spaces before and after those tags is correct and match the original string in english. Be aware that Google Translate (the initial translation) tends to mess up those and add spaces around tags.

In a few languages, spacing around tags needs to be different than in English. If you speak those languages you will know what to do.

Letter case

Using uppercase letters in the right places is important. English tends to uppercase a lot ("Typosquatting Protection"), whereas other languages only uppercase the first letter of a sentence or term ("Protection contre le typosquattage" in french). Make sure you stay consistent and use the right casing for your language.


Make sure you use the right punctuation (and the right spacing around them) for your language. For example, English uses “abc” for quoting, French uses « abc » and Traditional Chinese uses「abc」. Wikipedia is a good source of truth for those rules.

9 replies

    • Mas_Agung_Denisa_Bekam
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Is it okay ?

    • Sheikh_Hassam
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    • Jakub_Chutnak
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Guys, I send you an email to support@nextdns.io per your instructions, but it keeps autoresponding and navigating me back.


    I want to help you with translations to Slovak, but Crowdin doesn't have this language.




    • Lukas_Oubrecht
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Czech language not work. Czech translate is there for long time. There is maybe problem with language code. Czech language has code CZ, but in web browsers is code CS. CS is code for Czech language for HTML code. It is historical problem, because we was Czechoslovakia (CS).

    • Hashmat
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Tnx for Dns

    • ben.23
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    how to disable nextdns in windows 12

    • JSPR
    • 4 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I've gone through some translations in Dutch. Seems NextDNS isn't actively approving translations lately?!

    • Flaco
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view


    • Hugozambrano
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view