Synology SRM NextDNS CLI Logs
SynologyRouter> Dec 31 19:03:21 SynologyRouter nextdns[3515]: Endpoint failed: h ttps://dns1.nextdns.io#,2a07:a8c0::: roundtrip: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid:…
Why does NextDNS want to present itself as a VPN on devices?
I'm a happy (paying) customer of NextDNS (beats running the PiHole that keeps crashing every other week and then I don't have "internet" until I get to a terminal to restart it),…
ISP + EERO + [Desktop, Laptop, iPhones] - where to configure?
So I have ISP (Cox) that allows to configure custom DNS. Then I have EERO mesh networking boxes. And then i have computers, iPhones that connect to EERO WiFi.…
Missing A record
Hello, Is there a process for contacting support about a missing record. My works public VPN url is unknown when querying through DNS over TLS from my pfsense box but is just fine when querying…
Google Workspace (G Suite) Configuration
What should I put into this field in Google Workspace Admin Console? These settings will be applied to devices logged into an account on this domain.
next dns in openwrt
hi, I want to install nextdns from ''software'' in openwrt and I see 2 choices, I would like to know the difference, seems to be one official and the other not sure. luci-app-nextdns git-20.260.…
Paid, but not activated
I used over the free amount and signed up this morning for the yearly service. I still see the red banner saying "You have made more than 300,000 queries this month and all features have been…
NextDNS CLI 1.10.1 has a high memory footprint problem
I created an LXC in Proxmox Virtual Environment to install NextDNS CLI for LAN DNS, which allocates 256MB of memory, but the NextDNS program will take up nearly 200MB each time,…
New Blocklists
Hi There are several requests at https://github.com/nextdns/metadata/issues for some blocklists additions. For example https://github.com/nextdns/metadata/issues/482?…
Clone Existing Profile: Would Save A Lot Of Time
I'm sure most of us here utilize NextDNS profiles, but having to set up new ones from scratch is a pain when there are many entries in the block/allow lists that we need to copy to new profiles.…
Use Case for Multiple Configurations?
I’m trying to think of why multiple configurations might be of value. I probably lack imagination. I have a single profile setup - in what circumstance would a second (or third...) be helpful?
Timezone Recreation Time
What timezone is used in Recreation Time? I live in UTC+1. I can't get it to work with the hours I put in.
What lists do NextDNS use for threat intelligence tracking?
A website I manage was hacked and we have cleaned it up, but NextDNS is blocking traffic to our site unless it is explicitly allowed. What lists do NextDNS use so we can submit reports to them that…
Hardened Privacy mode equivalent for devices
Hello, I noticed that only my android has a setting for hardened privacy mode. I am unable to find a setting for hardened mode that can be set in a configuration file (And thus cover the devices…
Move clients to new configurations
I have NextDNS configured on a test Unifi environment so that all of my network clients are automatically rolled up and sent to NextDNS for filtering. In my production environment I have some…
I assume using the NextDNS Windows app is better than YogaDNS?
I just found out you have a Windows app, but I've been using Yoga since I installed NextDNS awhile ago. Switch? Thanks!
Cannot upgrade 1.8.6 on MacOS via terminal
Successfully installed NextDNS via MacOS terminal many months ago. I would like to upgrade NextDNS 1.8.6 to 1.9.6. Every time I try to upgrade, the terminal continues to return these options every…
Could you please change the turkish list provider?
To simply put it the bkrucarciturk-adlist was last updated 8 months ago, I have seen other suggestions for different providers but adguard being something that offers paid options is probably a…
Ultralow actually ultrasuck
serverwala-buh 13 ms (ultralow2) zepto-sof 23 ms ■ estnoc-buh 39 ms (ultralow1) anexia-fra 40 ms (anycast2) zepto-fra 50 ms (anycast1) anexia-vie 58 ms exoscale-vie 64 ms anexia-waw 73 ms anexia-sof…
NextDNS on a Drayek Vigor 2952 router
Hi all, I really like NextDNS and have been running it on my apple devices for a few days now. Up to the next level.... get NextDNS running true my router.…
PFSense - DNS Resolvers Not Working
I followed the directions and added the following to my PFSense router. None of my clients are using NextDNS. Are there any other settings I need to change for this work? Thank you! server:…
Is using the new Ultra-Low Latency Network only available on modern iOS releases?
Is using the new Ultra-Low Latency Network only available on modern iOS releases? (I see this option on iOS 14.3, but not on iOS 12.5.1)
Speed difference plans
I wondered if you get faster servers when using a paid plan vs. the free program or the same? I notice some DNS delays since switching. I have 20 blocklists enabled. 100mbs down, 30mbs up.
Is DNS Encrypted with Linked IP Setup on VPN
If you use custom DNS and the linked IP setup option with a dedicated VPN is the DNS traffic encrypted in the VPN tunnel or does DNS go it’s own unencrypted route outside the VPN?
Will NextDNS support ODoH?
https://techpp.com/2020/12/14/odoh-oblivious-dns-over-https-explained/ As linked above, has already been able to use ODoH, which is more privacy-protected,…
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