X.com is not being blocked.
Despite the fact that I have enabled blocking X (aka Twitter) under Websites, Apps & Games as well as the Social Media category in the Parental Control section and added Twitter.com and X.…
Network Error GET /profiles/(profileID)/analytics/status;series
I receive following error when accessing any analytics page from a profile. My browser language and timezone are set to Germany.
Private Relay on macOS 15 Sequoia
I'm on macOS 15 Sequoia, M1 iMac. On macOS 14, prior to upgrade, everything was working fine with Private relay enabled. Now, when I activate the nextDNS app: the status on my.nextdns.…
Configuration Profile clashes with web development software Laravel Herd
Laravel Herd uses DNSMasq. When I have the NextDNS Configuration profile installed DNSMasq does not work.
Affiliate Links seem to be broken
Clicking on an affiliate or tracking link from emails or websites seem to be broken and the page simply doesn't redirect or load. Correct me if I'm wrong,…
NextDNS profile bricking wifi on macOS
Basically title. I've got NextDNS set up on all of my devices and even some friends and I love it. However, lately (might have been since updating to Sequoia),…
No Email check for registration
Alright, basically: You can create an account, no matter the domain, TLS, or surname. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it goes something like so: 1. Go to ‘my.nextdns.…
`Error while checking the current status`
When checking the connection status via my.nextdns.io/, I keep getting this error: Mac settings show that the DNS is enabled: I would appreciate some insight into how this could be resolved.
NextDNS App not working with macOS 15.0 Sequoia
After upgrading my 2021 Apple M1 Max MacBook Pro to macOS 15.0, the NextDNS app is causing all browsing to fail. When the app is enabled, all browsers (Chrome, Safari,…
Did NextDNS profiles stop working on MacOS 14 Sonoma?
Noticed that some sites were utterly overloaded with ads this morning, went to check with my.nextdns.io. The site keep telling me This device is using NextDNS with no profile.…
High latency issue (Azerbaijan)
Hello. I have some issues regarding the internet latency (aka ping). Basically, when I checked using NextDNS diagnostic, I came to conclusion, that there's a high latency in my region.…
MacOS NextDNS with Private Relay works for a few minutes only to switch back to Private Relay DNS
As the title suggests, it works and then it doesn't. The filtering also doesn't work after a few minutes, I'm attaching a video. I experience this behavior both with the neatens apple profile and the…
Why am i getting routed to Indian servers on private dns when the closest server is Dubai servers??
I am from Karachi, Pakistan and the closest server to me is Dubai servers and not the indian Delhi/Mumbai servers as i get around 20-30ms ping on dubai but on indian servers i am getting above 180ms…
Block Bypass Methods not blocking other DoH servers.
I found this in some other post, it's a list of public DoH servers https://github.com/curl/curl/wiki/DNS-over-HTTPS#publicly-available-servers I have NextDNS enabled via the nextdns-cli on my Unifi…
"NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist" is causing YouTube playback to fail
Hey all, A number of weeks ago my YT playback was being buffer blocked and a ton of errors but none obvious in the inspector, only way top fix it was reload but typically the issues would start at…
- Fixed
Do DNS record changes take longer to propagate to NextDNS DNS over HTTPS (DoH) servers vs. legacy DNS protocol servers?
I made DNS record changes for a domain I own, and all records—NS, A, SOA, etc.—have propagated through standard DNS servers after approximately 36 hours, including my two NextDNS profiles,…
Client LAN IP in some but not all NextDNS profile logs
Hi I have an odd NextDNS issue. I've Googled this a lot and not come up with anything useful, so am starting this thread. Network setup My router is a Ubiquiti Unifi Express (UX), running NextDNS CLI,…
NextDNS blocking GitHub???
So, can't even open github.com then it starts working for some time, then again it doesn't. I have NextDNS configured via router and if I turn it off - GitHub works.…
Not able to add <mydomain>.myfritz.net as DDNS Hostname
Using a fritzbox I configured nextDNS sort of successfully (unfortunately still with DNS leakage), however, as I try adding my MyFRITZ! address from within nextDNS setup webpage it sais "There was an…
Can't even block ads on a local news site? Fox13now.com
Sorry but NextDNS can't even block ads on my local FOX affiliate news site? Fox13now.com I added literally every single available block list to my setup. Ads still appear.…
NextDNS via EdgeRouter X
Hi, We have NextDNS deployed across a bunch of remote sites using Starlinks and Satellite NBN as the uplink and have NextDNS configured with the CLI command in the Github on EdgeRouter X's.…
Cannot access some websites
Hi there, I use NextDNS Premium. I cannot access Medium, Pornhub, some other websites... Please help me to solve the issue.
Mac M1 with generated profile sending part of queries to unidentified devices
Greetings, My Macbook Pro M1 has been configured to use the next DNS profile, it works for some queries, but others get sent to the Unidentified devices list in the logs.…
NextDNS Blocking too many legitimate Sites
I am having issues with NextDNS blocking too many legitimate sites under the Ads and Trackers Blocklist. Is there a way to disable this "feature" Its to the point where if it doesn't get better and I…
some strange activity MACOS with NEXTDNS udp is being used...
NextDNS I am trying to understand what I see I have MAcOS with profile and DoH was working fine then hit test.nextdns.io via chrome and said it was okay but using UDP!…
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