nextdns profile iphone breaks content restrictions
I added nextdns to a teen phone only to block ads and tracking that I had previously setup with parental control. He was able to access sites the family had discussed not viewing.…
X.com is not being blocked.
Despite the fact that I have enabled blocking X (aka Twitter) under Websites, Apps & Games as well as the Social Media category in the Parental Control section and added Twitter.com and X.…
facebook not blocked
When using parental controls and blocking by an "APP" I have selected facebook as being blocked, and any request that come for www.facebook.com is blocked however anything coming to www.web.facebook.…
iOS Mail App Issue
I have an AVM FritzBox 7530 AX with DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS v4 servers. On iOS devices connected to the WiFi network and the iOS Mail application, they can’t download new messages.…
NextDNS stopped working on my iOS device (iOS 15.6.1)
Hi all, My iOS device has recently stopped querying NextDNS (as reported on the my.nextdns.io dashboard). This occurs over cellular (LTE) as well as on my school WiFi.…
Installed DNS profile’s not showing on iOS 18 setting app.
I don’t think this problem is exclusively for the NextDNS profile, but I wanna know if there’s other users experiencing this problem or any workaround. As shown on the image,…
Issue verifying NextDNS connection on iOS Cellular LTE
I have been dealing with an issue where I am unable to receive confirmation that my iPhone 12 Mini is being properly connected to the NextDNS Servers. I should note,…
Issue with verifying NextDNS Connection on iOS Cellular LTE
I have been dealing with an issue where I am unable to receive confirmation that my iPhone 12 Mini is being properly connected to the NextDNS Servers. I should note,…
Affiliate Links seem to be broken
Clicking on an affiliate or tracking link from emails or websites seem to be broken and the page simply doesn't redirect or load. Correct me if I'm wrong,…
iOS devices no longer connecting to WiFi
Today I've noticed that all iOS devices in our household that have the NextDNS profile installed can no longer connect via WiFi. I've tried the following steps to resolve:…
Covenant Eyes VPN causing NextDNS to not work
I'm trying to use NextDNS to block ads but the Covenant Eyes VPN is causing it to not block ads anymore. I checked with their customer support and they said it wasn't a problem on their side / with…
Why can't I use it often?
No Email check for registration
Alright, basically: You can create an account, no matter the domain, TLS, or surname. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it goes something like so: 1. Go to ‘my.nextdns.…
Okta authentication blocked on phone?
Recently my company has started using passwordless login with Okta Verify. On my mac laptop, no issues. On my iphone, however, it sends me in a login loop.…
iPhone 16 series is missing in Apple configuration
The new iPhone device models are missing on apple.nextdns.io
Lack of iPhone 16 series in iOS profile device model list
The iPhone 16 series has been on the market for almost a month now but there is still a lack of options for iPhone 16 series in the device configuration of iOS profile,…
Query quota did not reset upon subscription cancellation and all queries are now being counted towards quota instead of only blocked queries
Hello, I am writing this in complaint of what I see as an issue that should be addressed or at the very least clarified upon. Thank you in advance! Context:…
ios描述文件 无法使用
我的iPhone和iPad安装描述文件后 就连不上网了。 每次都是这样,已经持续好几个月了
Link-ip shows up in nextdns logs on iphone
Hi everyone, sorry if this has been asked else where. As I tried doing a search first but was not getting anywhere-fast. I have read that linking the ip on mobiles in not recommended - so i haven't.…
Why am i getting routed to Indian servers on private dns when the closest server is Dubai servers??
I am from Karachi, Pakistan and the closest server to me is Dubai servers and not the indian Delhi/Mumbai servers as i get around 20-30ms ping on dubai but on indian servers i am getting above 180ms…
"NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist" is causing YouTube playback to fail
Hey all, A number of weeks ago my YT playback was being buffer blocked and a ton of errors but none obvious in the inspector, only way top fix it was reload but typically the issues would start at…
- Fixed
iOS Safari: Error on Logs page of my.nextdns.io
Recently iOS Safari (both iOS 16.x and 17 betas) on the Logs page (I think usually while the live updating is on) has been giving me this error after a few moments.…
Unable to open my.nextdns.io on an iPad in Safari
Last week I was able to open this page, today it fails. I'm using iPadOS 17.6 (21G80), adblockers turned off for this page, no VPN is enabled. Also checked in Safari on macOS (Sonoma 14.6.…
Do DNS record changes take longer to propagate to NextDNS DNS over HTTPS (DoH) servers vs. legacy DNS protocol servers?
I made DNS record changes for a domain I own, and all records—NS, A, SOA, etc.—have propagated through standard DNS servers after approximately 36 hours, including my two NextDNS profiles,…
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