Issue verifying NextDNS connection on iOS Cellular LTE

I have been dealing with an issue where I am unable to receive confirmation that my iPhone 12 Mini is being properly connected to the NextDNS Servers. I should note, I have managed to properly connect my PC to my NextDNS server and have verified its connection by not only checking on the nextdns.io main website, but also by using test.nextdns.io.


I've been having trouble receiving any type of confirmation from either two sources (main webpage and test.nextdns.io) from my iPhone. I have tried varied resources, whether it be the valid NextDNS application available on the app store, or downloading the proper .mobileconfig file from the suggested webpage NextDNS provides, and still have had no success.

I've been able to get the .mobileconfig file to load a profile on my phone and I have selected it many times in my settings, with varied download configurations to try to see the differences the varied changes may cause, and I have had no success with that. 

I've read some of the NextDNS forums and it was made clear to me that some people had to make edits to the .mobileconfig file, and that did not work for me. When I made the suggested edits to the file, the phone was unable to load it as a profile, I was getting a Load Profile error.


I'd also like to note that my iPhone is completely updated with the latest iOS software.


I've frequently tried restarting the iPhone hoping to maybe restore some settings but I've had no luck.


Can anyone provide me with some support or suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated.



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