Hide the system icon for NextDNS on Windows for standard users.
For security reason we would like hide the system icon for NextDNS on Windows for standard users. And avoid misconfigurations. Any can help us?
Block only for some users
Hey, How do I block access to TikTok for only certain users on my Wi-Fi network? Currently, there is only the option to block for everyone on my.nextdns.io My router is a Tp-link Archer C80 with IPv4
Block shorts on YouTube
Hello, Please add to the Denylist the possibility to add all the links starting by: youtube.com/shorts/ Because no option given by YouTube to disable shorts. Same for Facebook with Facebook.…
Delete unmaintained/unupdated filter lists
As the title suggests, delete the unmaintained and unupdated filter lists to clear the option a bit and keep things working and up-to-date.
Disincentivize Use Through Artificial Delays
We can already block websites and we can block them for limited hours using the parental controls. However, fully blocking a website is a pretty big limitation.…
NextDNS Blocks Porn Site Fine but Not in it's Own App
Xnxx website is blocked fine but Not in there app. How do I block the content in the Xnxx App or is that not possible?
Feature request - Timed access to website + multiple recreation time periods
Hi, Would be good to have an allowed usage per day for website and category. Possibly even different time periods depending if its during recreational or not.…
My Kid removes NextDNS settings (and its parental control). What to do?
Any idea on what to do ? Android device. 4G connexion. Thank you
Tinder not blocked by dating filter
Tinder is not blocked by dating filter.
Massive uptick in Gaming Category false positives
Since last week I started facing issues with my iPad app store not loading. After some investigation, I figured out that Category has recently started blocking DNS requests for many Apple services…
Feature Request: Parental Control - Daily App/Domain Usage Limit
I'm well-aware of the existence of Recreational Time to limit the usage of certain websites/apps to specific hours and days, but is it possible to create a daily usage limit where it tracks usage…
Feature request - Parental Control, Drugs category (drugs blocklists)
Following lists could be used for such category: https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/drugs.txt https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/alt-version/vaping-nl.…
blocking PS5 Network using NEXTDNS
Hello Everyone, I am trying to block the PS5 Network and Fortnite specifically using NextDNS. I attempted to use parental controls and the denylist by adding all possible domain addresses,…
NextDNS No Longer Logging Properly
I'm extremely incompetent when it comes to all things technology, but I wanted to use NextDNS instead of the DNS my IPS offers. I was particularly interested in protecting myself from malicious…
Next Dns filtering not working
Next Dns filtering not working, I could not find direct support.
Tiktok app is not blocked
The Parental Control and Denylist does not restrict the Tiktok app. Is there a fix for this ?
Unable to block websites
Hello Sir, We have added deny list and parental control app but some apps are not blocked and websites are not blocked. So we need urgent support. Kindly solve it urgently.
Unable to block Websites
Unable to block websites in mobile. Need Urgent support
Regex allow/deny list
I know we got wildcard domain blocking, but with sites like facebook and messenger, we got 1. star-mini.c10r.facebook.com 2. chat-e2ee.c30r.facebook.com 3. mqtt.c20r.facebook.…
More flexible recreation time options
I really really really like recreation time feature a lot and even though it is under Parental Control, I view it as a great way to restrict myself from procrastinating.…
Update Service blocking
Hi, As more service update their APIs, services in Parental control section dont get blocked(partial/was blocked at all). One example is youtube cdn, googlevideo,…
Add Viber to paraent controls
Add Viber to paraent controls
YouTube Blocking not working Router
I've been trying to block access to YouTube on the smart tv and all devices. I've setup the DNS servers on IPv4 and that is all. The router doesn't support IPv6 so I skipped it.…
Youtube Ad Blocking
Hi, would it be possible to consider adding the GoodbyeAds YouTube Adblock list in the future? https://github.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds I've got a Smart TV i'd like to block youtube ads on if possible.…