Allow custom device name in NextDNS for iOS
As an iPhone and iPad user, I would like to set a custom device name so that (1) different iPhones and iPads can be distinguished in Logs, and (2) I can easily temporarily disable and enable NextDNS…
[Feature Request] Search bar in the TLD menu
Having a search bar in the TLD section would be incredibly beneficial, as there are thousands of TLDs. It can be challenging to locate a specific one, like .zip or .mov, without a search function.
NextDNS causes Rakuten iOS to stop working completely
This is even with all Rakuten subdomains whitelisted and affiliate links turned on.
NextDNS can only filter by the latest "iPhone" with logged traffic
I have multiple iPhones using the same NextDNS profile. First, NextDNS names them all "iPhone" despite having different and unique names, though their model numbers are also shown.…
NextDNS No Longer Logging Properly
I'm extremely incompetent when it comes to all things technology, but I wanted to use NextDNS instead of the DNS my IPS offers. I was particularly interested in protecting myself from malicious…
NextDNS blocks Banking App
Hi, I'm located in Pakistan and recently when switch my bank and tried together with nextdns it didn't work. Everything is working fine and app itself shows no internet connection.…
ECH Support on mobile?
I just read about ControlD supporting ECH on mobile through trusting the RootCA certificate. Is this available on NextDNS? ECH further encrypts your queries on the DNS level.…
ZeroSSL RSA Domain CA
I use NextDNS with the configuration profile on iOS. I removed and reinstalled the profile, but the certificate will expire in three days, therefore May 22, 2024. When will you renew it?
Date of signature of the NextDNS.io certificate installed on the iOS profile, it expires on 5/24/24.
Hello. When I check the date of signature of the NextDNS.io certificate installed on the iOS profile, it expires on 5/24/24. It's in red. I have already deleted and reinstalled a new profile,…
short link for Apple Devices fail
Hi. I`m trying to generate shot link on apple.nextdns.io profile creator, but always receive fail response when try to create short link. I need for AppleTV devices on my home. Thanks.
Confidentiality warning on iPhone iOS 17.4
Confidentiality warning This network is currently blocking traffic Encrypted DNS. The names of the sites and other servers that your device accesses from this network can be viewed and recorded by…
facebook app ios login problem
hey i am having a problem in login to my facebook acount using the facebook app on ios but the browser works with next dns enabled but for app it does not .…
“Not Connected To NextDNS”
I have nextDNS on my IPhone and love it. But, recently, it has not been working. I have even tried turning off Private relay and still it does not work.…
Update Service blocking
Hi, As more service update their APIs, services in Parental control section dont get blocked(partial/was blocked at all). One example is youtube cdn, googlevideo,…
Not blocking ads for apps within Prime
I seem to have everything set up correctly, but the extend site says I’m using cloudflare on my phone. I don’t see where. The dns is correct on our wifi router,…
NextDNS via EdgeRouter X
Hi, We have NextDNS deployed across a bunch of remote sites using Starlinks and Satellite NBN as the uplink and have NextDNS configured with the CLI command in the Github on EdgeRouter X's.…
Mass Deploying a NextDNS profile to iOS devices via MDM
I am new to DNS filtering. Can someone help me with a profile that I can mass deploy to iOS devices via MDM, to securely route all traffic thru NextDNS? I am needing a .…
How do you use NextDNS with your setup?
Checking what sort of setup people are using by incorporating NextDNS. For example - NextDNS on OS, VPN (third-party or own server) / VPN through router and additional features such as security…
ip address using DoH?
like's DoH, you can set https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query or, is it possible for nextdns do the same setting? I tired https://45.90.28.…
“This device is not using NextDNS”
After a few months of using it, I love it. But, I keep getting the message “This device is not connected to NextDNs”. I have tried EVERYTHING. I’m have even turned off private relay, and still,…
youtube still not working
I used nextdns to block yourube but after deleting youtube from denylist and adding to allowlist, and deleting accout, youtube still doesnt work. what can i do?
Email Content not loading
Hello, Since installing NextDNS, new emails via Apple Mail have a “content could not be loaded privately, click here to load” message. Unsure what’s blocking it. Possibly the tracker/ad filtering.
Unable to switch to annual payment plan
I want to switch to an anuual payment plan, but am unable to do so. I've tried 2-3 browsers on 2 different Apple platforms, with browser ad-blockers off and NextDNS enabled-- just in case.…