reset password my.nextdns.io not working
I am not receiving an email with the password reset link for my.nextdns.io. It is not in my spam folder
gemius.pl on the wrong blocklist
gemius.pl should not be included in the Cryptojacking blocklist. The domain should be included only in NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist. gemius.pl (international website: gemius.…
Dont forward requests for internal domain
I'm using nextdns cli on my opnsense firewall, but I've noticed that requests for clients on my internal domain are being forwarded. For example in the nextdns web console I'm seeing logs where my…
Block All Traffic, only Allow?
long time listener, first time caller. Is it possible to block all traffic and only allow domains in the allow list? I know I can tediously add all the domains in the TLD block list then use the…
faa.gov not resolving
Trying to log into the FAA and not resolving root domain faa.gov. I tried on several devices, resolves with other DNS services.
Ultralow and Anycast Routing System Network Server in NextDNS CLI Client in Windows
As a novice user in Indonesia , I had a little trouble knowing which PoP Server was connected where there were two routes: "anycast (1) (2)" and "ultralow (1) (2)".…
Any way to set location for Anycast using Merlin CLI?
Paid member, having issues off an on with DNS resolution when the CLI is enabled or when using Private DNS on android (wifi AND 5G). Sometimes pages just refuse to load unless I peform a change in…
Issue started 1 hour ago - Randomly unable to resolve domains
This just started one hour ago. I use the Mac app. About one hour ago, I am unable to resolve some domains. Sites will load for a new minutes and then timeout. It can be cnn.com, nextdns.io...etc.…
DNS off line today ?
Hi - Everything's been working perfectly for months and suddenly this morning at around 10:20 eastern we lost DNS service. I pointed my router to my ISP ISP (Xfinity) DNS and all is fine ...…
No 30% bonus
Hi, A friend of mine used my link to subscribe. He arrived on a trial account after following my link, then he signed up with the button above. Now his account is opened,…
Germany/FRA servers faulty
Hello, starting about 20-30 mins ago I suddenly got very slow resolves and lots of doh resolve: context deadline exceeded errors in the nextDNS Linux app log.…
Anycast routing way off today
Usually anycast is pretty reliable with the iOS app in selecting the closest server but today it is way off. Anyone else seeing this? Should be hitting the ATL PoPs.
Backblaze B2 blocked by NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist?
I noticed over the past two days that my b2 backups were failing. This is their object storage end point. After digging into it, it seems "f000.backblazeb2.com" is now NXDOMAIN.…
NextDNS on EdgeOS with Split Horizon
Hi Everyone, I've recently been testing out NextDNS and just configured it on my EdgeRouter 4. I have a local DNS server for my lab, and wanted to point my domain to that.…
Push CLI configuration option
Inspired by some other fellows idea at https://help.nextdns.io/t/35hl2jr/could-the-nextdns-dashboard-show-the-cli-version Beside already mentioned idea at upper link,…
nextDNS not playing nice with ProtonVPN
Hi I have nextDNS working on my Mac fine. But when I create a ProtonVPN tunnel to browse, the browser is unable to open any site. I have to disable nextDNS first.…
UDM Base unable to re-install
Good day all, I had NextDNS up and running. Then I figured out I could change ID number for each device. So I wanted to give my Ubiquiti Dream Machine a new ID. I know I did it the wrong way.…
NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist
This blocklist is causing the android mobile app, on my google pixel 5, to constantly say whoops their was an error. Literally NOTHING shows in the block list, can someone look into this?
Statistics page defaults to 24 hours instead of 30 days
Hi All, I would like to view statistics by default over 24 hours instead of 30 days. Could the default be changed or made selectable in the configuration page.…
NextDNS not working on iPhone & iPad
On both my iPhone and my iPad I have installed the NextDNS App to use NextDNS. In the iOS settings I have selected NextDNS. Still my.nextdns.io reports that I’m not using NextDNS...…
EdgeOS LAN client names not always propagated
I installed netxdns-cli on my EdgeRouter ER-X -SFP using the default options: Report device name? [Y|n]: y Enable caching? (y/n): y Enable instant refresh? (y/n):…
Latency and responsiveness [Quezon City, Philippines]
Hello! I wish to know if there is anything that can be done regarding improving latency with nextdns. I ran some tests using the diagnostic tool of nextdns and google dns just to see if there was a…
"Block bypass Methods" does not work
Don't vpn apps also render Nextdns useless? For example a vpn installed as chrome extension on pc completely disables NEXTDNS unfortunately
Service Sporadically Down Today
Today, the service sporadically went down throughout today. My mesh router physically indicated each time the service went down, I would say a total of 4 times.…