Why is DNSSEC % of queries so low?

NextDNS is a validating DNSSEC resolver. This means that we block any response that has an invalid DNSSEC signature or is not signed on a zone that is DNSSEC enabled. Unfortunately, many big domains are not DNSSEC enabled, which is why this number is so low.

2 replies

    • Eric.9
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    What is a typical percentage?  (Sorry to revive an old thread.)

    Was searching to find an answer.  I'm finding percentages from 0-7.5% with various profiles.  With my TV profile for all my AppleTVs, it's 0%.  With my default network for all computers, phones, etc., it's 7.5%.

      • BigDargon
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      The percentage depends on which domain you query? And whether that domain has DNSSEC signing enabled or not?

      Turn on Raw DNS logs and you will see DNSSEC signed domains, there will be a blue padlock icon.