Could someone explain me if my list DNS list attachhed migrates automattically to YogaDNS
It seems like a little pain to add new lits mannualyy... so , if someone could help me at athe configuration, would be grateful! Cz the day to pay for a membership is coming,…
How to set up and use NextDNS with AdGuard app in Android
You will no longer need the NextDNS app. AdGuard is a powerful app which can monitor and block the traffic from your phone. I highly recommend it. Settings - DNS Filtering - Select DNS server - Add…
Is nextdns can open the block sites
Dears, i read some article that claim the nextdns able to open the block sites same as the app, so how can i use this function ? also here the topic : www.reddit.…
How to connect via the Android app?
Dear NextDNS experts, I installed the NextDNS Android app on my ebook reader, an OnyxBoox Note 2 running Android 9. This is what it displays: I can tap on the wheel and change the settings,…
Preferred servers
Hello guys, By any chanse i can select which dns servers to use?Because i see the automatically forward is to Spain who is completely far away fron my position when France have better latency.
DNS leak?
I've just set up NEXTdns on all my parents devices and Home router (ipv4 with linked IP) I've noticed many Facebook, Apple, Google and teamviewer DNS queries on their router configuration.…
Windows reporting NextDNS 2.0.1 as Trojan:MSL/Masslogger.VN!rfn
I noticed the error after a reboot. It looks like some files in the Program Files directory were modified today as well. My version.txt file says I'm on 2.0.1.…
Couple Of Questions
So does android app uses DoH or just plain dns ? what is edns anonimization and should i enable it or not?
Altermative DoT port
İ want to use it on my phone but for some reason my cellular data provider blocked the port 853 .i can access to nextdns but dot fails. can you guys add alternative port for users
Using multiple configuration IDs to segregate users
Hey Team, Here I am again asking for your guidance. So I just recently found that we can set up different config and I thought about taking advantage of this feature because not everyone in our home…
How do I set a static DNS entry?
I need to set a static DNS entry for a hostname and IP that are external. How do I do that?
NextDNS not returning for blocklist "A" lookups
I am running Unbound on OPNSense forwarding to NextDNS using DoT. When I enable a Blocklist (Oisd for example) and select no block page, A lookups return a "not found" instead of "".…
Old Device
Hi, appology if this has been asked, i tried to search but unable to find the topic, also new here as well. 1 day :) Anyway, i am just wondering if there is a way to remove devices that is…
Multi-WAN support how?
Hey all, So I have multi WAN setup at home IE 2x External IP's. Is there a way to use NextDNS with both IP's? Or do I have to have 2x NextDNS account and pay twice?…
What is SPKI value ?
Please write here SPKI.
How lock NEXTDNS app on Android to avoid kids disable it
I am looking to use NextDNS as a way to keep kids' Android phones safe. On iOS, I noticed NextDNS could be protected by a password. Is there any way to password protect NextDNS settings on Android…
How will I use NextDNS in the (near) future?
A few days ago I saw that test.nextdns.io no longer works on LG webos TV. That was strange as it was fine just a couple of days before. It said that the is something wrong with security certificate.…
Help - Just setting up
Hi, I have just followed the instructions to set up NEXTDNS on my router by changing the DNS address. I followed the IPV4 (with linked IP). Easy enough.…
Prevent Disabling NextDNS Agent
How can I prevent an end-user from disabling the NextDNS Agent on Windows? Currently they can simply right-click the tray icon and choose Disable... I don't want them to have this ability.
Next DNS Connectivity Issues
@Olivier Poitrey The Next DNS Windows Client is trying to connect to the vultr server and it says the domain is not trusted and I am seeing unknown host messages from Cloudflare as well.…
High CPU on Ubiquiti ER-X-SFP
I am running nextdns on my Ubiquiti ER-X-SFP and have recently noticed high CPU load and overheating on my router. When I monitor "top" I see nextdns using a huge amount of CPU. See below.…
NextDNS on MacOS stops working regularly
I am using the current NextDNS app from the Mac App Store version 1.4.3 (19) From one day to the other the name resolution stops working until I disable and enable NextDNS again.…
Safari browser extension
Hello everyone, As you know NextDNS dose not block cookies & blank spaces so I am curious which browser level extension members are using to block cookies, spaces and enhance safari security.…
Problem with Currency with PRO plan Payment
Hello. I've bought the monthly PRO plan. I am from Italy and the fisrt month I was charged in Euros. But the second month suddenly I've been charged is SEK and I'cant find a way to pay again in Euro.…
American Airlines App (IOS) blocked
The American Airlines app does not fully function when on a mobile connection while NextDNS is active. I created a profile with everything disabled, but it still fails to pull up details on flights…
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