EdgeOS LAN client names not always propagated
I installed netxdns-cli on my EdgeRouter ER-X -SFP using the default options: Report device name? [Y|n]: y Enable caching? (y/n): y Enable instant refresh? (y/n):…
Latency and responsiveness [Quezon City, Philippines]
Hello! I wish to know if there is anything that can be done regarding improving latency with nextdns. I ran some tests using the diagnostic tool of nextdns and google dns just to see if there was a…
"Block bypass Methods" does not work
Don't vpn apps also render Nextdns useless? For example a vpn installed as chrome extension on pc completely disables NEXTDNS unfortunately
Best routers for NextDNS
I am on the market for a new Wi-Fi router and my main criterion is to use it “to provide the best NextDNS experience to my entire network” by means of the NextDNS CLI.…
Windows client: Prevent standard user from changing profile
Hello, I am using the NextDNS Windows client and would like to set a specific configuration as an administrator which then should be applied for all standard users logging into the machine whiteout…
Hi, my firefox give me the above error message, I used the configuration profile on macOS, where can I find the certificate so I can add it to firefox?
Question about Logs
Is the logging provided in real-time or is there a delay? For some devices I do not see activity immediately but after a few hours and some device activity immediately appears.
General Overview Available?
I'm a new user to NextDNS, and I'm somewhere in the middle in terms of technical understanding of what's going on with what I clearly think is an awesome product.…
Setting up NextDNS on AWS EC2
Hello - we are currently trying to setup a proxy server on EC2 (AWS) so that we can resolve Handshake domains. When I try the systemd-resolved option, we are getting the following for all 4 DNS…
Blocked reason in logs
Hi, I noticed that in the last 24 hours I have 2 requests blocked due to "Threat Intelligence Feeds". How can I check which requests are? It would be nice to be able to filter for "blocked reason"…
nextdns high cpu on USG
Hi all. I have a Unifi Security Gateway I just got and installed nextdns on it. But with nextdns running, it uses close to 100% CPU on the USG, which causes my network to come to a crawl.…
Backup DNS?
Hope you guys are doing well but I do have one question. My current router in my home is a XR500 which has 3rd spot for a DNS and btw the DNS you see is from Adguard in the picutre but I'm probably…
NextDNS for Windows Beta
Is it safe to use the Windows client form this link? https://nextdns.io/download/windows/beta Thanks
Best way to measure DNS ping?
Hello everyone! This is my first time posting here on the NextDNS fourm and I have a question I would love to ask you guys. What's the best way / correct way to test NextDNS ping?…
Help with Edgerouter X
Hello, I installed NextDNS CLI on my Edgerouter X following instructions given on Github page but its not directing to NextDNS resolver. I ran NextDNS status its showing "running" Dashboard still…
Use Ultralow servers with DoT
How to use Ultralow servers when setting up Nextdns as DoT instead of using Cli? If Nextdns is setup as DoT it is always using anycast server which do have high latency than Ultralow. Thanks!
How to block Google Images?
Hello, can somebody smart help me with the following silly question: Is this possible to block Google Images only - without blocking other Google functionalities, like e.g.…
Mesh routers for NextDNS?
I like all the benefits listed for using the NextDNS app: https://help.nextdns.io/t/m1hmv0k/which-setup-type-to-use Are there any Mesh routers that I can install NextDNS on so I can get these…
Add DNS over TLS as additional option to the Asuswrt-Merlin CLI Router
Installed NextDNS with CLI on my Asuswrt Merlin AC88U router. Till now I am very satisfied. In few days I will buy the 1 year subscription. But why is there no option in the CLI to change the…
Fatfingered my email/password
I was stupid and didn't realise that I fat fingered my email and password. (I was on mobile ) My email is XXXXX.gmail.com, but I entered gmail.cm On top of that,…
Wired vs. Wireless
Hi, Basic problem is that NextDNS seems to work with wireless but not with wired connections. I have two MacOS computers both work with wi-fi but neither work on wired networks.…
DNS Response
Hello Everybody, When Our PC tries to download images from whatsapp and tries to connect to https://media.fdel36-1.fna.whatsapp.net it receives IP the IP subnet 103.18.72.…
DoH Resolution via DNSCrypt-Proxy very unstable
Hi, I have two dns resolvers based on pihole. One on a PI4 and another ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Both use dnscrypt-proxy v2 to query nextdns. Starting March 12/13, resolution has become extremely poor,…
Cannot connect NextDNS on elementary OS 5.1.7 (Ubuntu-based)
Hello everyone! I've been using NextDNS for a few days now, mainly on my Android phone and wow, scary, but thanks for giving us these tools. The problem is on my pc. My OS is elementary 5.1.…
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