Please create & maintain an iOS 15 issue KB article

I'm sad to learn that there are several NextDNS / iOS 15 incompatibilities, which might need a solution from Apple rather than the NextDNS team.

Two iOS 15 issues I'm aware of (but maybe there are more?):

  • NextDNS is not compatible with Mail Privacy
  • NextDNS is not compatible with iCloud Private Relay

Can the NextDNS team please create & maintain a Knowledge Base article about this?

Please list all known issues (and in which iOS release they are solved, if ever).

4 replies

    • auslander
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Yeah, I saw that too, but I really think it's not a NextDNS incompatibility.

    In short, Private Relay is a built-in feature that allows you to mask your IP address, the problem is that is a built-in feature, so it's Apple who is in control of this (not NextDNS.)

    It's kind of like using encrypted DNS over a VPN, not possible on iOS (with OpenVPN works sometimes).

    So the problem is that Private Relay is on top of NextDNS.


    Forgot all I said and check this official post: https://help.nextdns.io/t/p8hkfyw?r=y4h1cv5

      • Chris.6
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      AlwaysReading I've been using them together without issues. The caveats NextDNS mentions (block page, DNS rewrites) don't really matter to me, only the main filtering features, which work. 

      You can also use NextDNS DoH or DoT together with a VPN on Mac & iOS, as explained here.

      • auslander
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Chris doesn’t matter how you connect to a DNS, you will get the IP address anyways. Now if you mean use NextDNS as DNS and not VPN’s DNS that’s another thing.

      For example, on Windows 10 I use OpenVPN to connect to my VPN provider, on the browser I configured NextDNS, in that way on my browser I use NextDNS via DoH and not the one provided by the VPN.

      About iCloud Relay on my iPhone I get an error on Safari saying “can’t connect to iCloud Relay” or something. 

      • Chris.6
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Der Auslander I'm unsure about what you are referring to. NextDNS and Private Relay used together duplicate DNS resolution (as seen here). As per the NextDNS comment you also mentioned, filtering already works with private relay. That's what NextDNS worked with Apple on, it's just not the final/ideal solution yet. 

      About VPNs and NextDNS, using them together is possible on Mac and iOS (as linked to in my previous comment). You can use OpenVPN apps like Viscosity that can override the pushed VPN DNS with IPv6 entries (therefore ignoring the VPN DNS that's included in the .config file) or something like Passepartout that also uses OpenVPN connections, but can also override VPN DNS configuration with IPv6, DoT or DoH. Works perfectly together on Mac & iOS.

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