Wifi 2.4 e 5 ghz funcionam igual?
Instalei o NextDNS para bloquear alguns sites, queria que todos os dispositivos tivese a mesma configuração, mas meu notebook usa o 2.4 e meu celular 5 ghz,…
Questions on how to best set up NextDNS: Yogadns, NextDNS, Manual config are ALL recommended!
I pay for NextDNS. I use blocklists "OISD" and HaGeZi Multi Pro. There seems to be 4 ways to set it up: Manual over HTTPS "recommended" NextDNS App ("recommended" by NextDNS wiki) Manual with IPV6…
Why there is a difference between the address put in the configuration guide and the dns server address?
Well it’s mostly in the title. But for everyone of my configuration setups there is always the dns server address ending with a x.x.x.0 ending with a 0.…
What does one of my machine have an Icon under it?
All my machines in the various drop-down etc Are all machine name OS However one of my machines has an icon looking like a lan and it's IP address. Why is that? and what does it show?
allow clicking on ads
when I setup NextDNS, I remember seeing something about how to allow ads you actively click on, both on websites and email to be displayed. Unfortunately I didn't enable it at that time,…
NextDNS blocks specific innocent pages
Specifically all anthropic domains and discord verification urls. Is there any specific setting that causes it?
Need Help!! - Dynamic Switch Profile
Hi all, I’m a freelancer with a team of two developers, and I primarily get most of my projects through Upwork. I’m planning to hire a salesperson to handle Upwork bidding,…
Reddit blocked, but I can access it on Android... Why?
Hello I'm blocking Reddit and I'm out of recess time? Period recreation 18-20 hours Please tell me
Confused about settings, who do i pay for help ?
Hi, I am just doing IPv4 linked on my router and setting up Firefox on my Windows 10 desktop. On my settings page it says my DNS servers are: 45.90.30.…
change email address
Hello I changed my email address, and unfirtunately I can not connect any more. Can you please check my account? revert the previous email address. I check the cookie and unfortunately,…
HaGeZi Ultimate - TIF list and whitelist python script
Hey everyone, with the assistance of AI I have put together a python script that will import a custom denylist and whitelist that basically imports the missing 800k+ TIF entries in HaGeZi Ultimate.…
NextDNS not working for the router
hello, i updated the DNS servers as said from my Dashboard from NextDNS to my Admin page on the router, however, its only works on my PC and doesnt work for other mobile phones, etc.…
Ubiquiti UDM Pro WAN2
I use the NextDNS Cli installed on my UDM Pro router. filtering works great on WAN1, but if I switch over or the unit fails over to WAN2 for the internet, I lose Nextdns as a resolver.…
NextDNS, HTTPS DNS Proxy and Devices
It there anyway to log devices separately without using NextDNS CLI on my router (Cudy WR3000 v1)? I have HTTPS DNS Proxy setup with NextDNS, instead. OpenWRT 24.…
Network error when trying to load logs?
I have the nextdns android app, ever since the recent update I've been experiencing glitches and lagging. I am now unable to load my logs. I've tried refreshing, logging in and out,…
Chatrooms/Chat with strangers/video chat are NOT blocked from parental controls (dating)- how to block accsess?
Hi, i would like to block all access to chat/video chat websites as "chat with strangers", chat Rollet , all "omegle" kind of stuff but i don't see any option to block this category.…
Which features incompatible with iPhone parental controls
To avoid creating conflict
Router shows web history evening when using NextDNS
I thought if using NextDNS, the phone won't send DNS requests to the router so the router won't know which sites I visit. But the router still shows the web history of the phone.…
Whitelisted domain still blocked
Hi I use Nexdns on a Uiquity UDM Pro, and I have a strange situation. leroymerlin.ro and dedeman.ro is blocked even if it is whitelisted (the affiliate domains too).…
Can I have all traffic blocked at certain times for 1 profile?
Hi, I'm a long time user and have parental controls in place for my kids. What I miss is the ability to have all traffic blocked from (for instance) 21:00 to 07:00.…
Doesn’t using device DNS over TLS/QUIC make you more trackable?
What are the privacy implications of using DNS over TLS/QUIC compared to DNS over HTTPS? As far as I can understand it, requesting ConfigID.nextdns.io means anyone who can monitor your network…
Another Mullvad Integration Question
I'm hoping someone can help me out. I love using NextDNS on all my devices at home, and I'm also a big fan of Mullvad VPN. I've set up custom DNS servers in Mullvad,…
Unable to access Captive Portals with multiple setups
I have a few laptops that will be traveling but I'm unable to get any captive portal sites to load. (McDonalds, hotels, airports, etc) I added msftconnecttest.…
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