Welt News App crashes
The Welt News App on iOS only shows the mainpage. When trying To read a note it crashes. Disabling NextDNS has it working again. did put Welt.de on allow list. No change. ios 14.3 - Any idea?
Enable CNAME Flattening prevents help.nextdns.io from loading
I'm just getting started with Nextdns and while playing with the Enable CNAME Flattening setting I noticed when it's enabled help.nextdns.io will not load and it when as far as preventing the main…
Sorry to bother.. getting tons of network errors.. Using dnscrypt-proxy via docker as a stub resolver/last hop. (times are UTC as docker image is Alpine) I am America/New_York [2020-12-09 23:06:…
Asuswrt Merlin
Repeatedly log entries: Dec 10 23:56:57 nextdns[31717]: parse question: unpacking Question.Name: segment prefix is reserved Dec 10 23:56:57 nextdns[31717]: Query 127.0.0.…
Traffic Destination will error on hover on Canada
Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.…
VPN and linked ip
Hi To use a VPN /WireGuard together with Nextdns on some platforms you have to use the linked IP feature, because both cannot function at the same time (eg, iOS ).…
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