Reset password e-mail never received
Hello I completely forgot my actual password and I need to reset it. I clicked on the lost password link, put my e-mail attached to my account but I still don't receive the mail.…
Ultralow servers instead of Anycast?
Is there any way to use the ultralow resolvers instead of anycast resolvers? As you can see in the results, there are a lot of routing issues with anycast with my ISP (Jio, India).…
Spotify Jams Broken
NextDNS Ads & Trackers Blocklist and AdAway breaks Spotify jams by blocking device-api.urbanairship.com
This device is not using NextDNS. This device is currently using ”Cloudflare” as DNS resolver.
Hello, I always used the NextDNS app on Windows without any issue. Since a few days, however, I noticed that ads started to show up in all the websites I visit,…
Why this website cannot block?
Cant Access İnternet While Nextdns is On
I cant access internet if i enable nextdns, issue started couple hours ago. I live in turkey.Using latest IOS
Recreation time lacking time option
You can only set the time from 12AM to 11:30PM, which forces a 30 minute gap to the next days recreation time, even if unwanted. Really annoying if you want, for example,…
Chrome Launch Failure When Active
App has been running fine for months. Today, I cannot launch Chrome, getting DNS related error. Reinstalled Chrome, disabled app in Chrome/Security/Advanced and works.…
Unhandled case where resolver is not present
When I try to set up a new configuration this error pops up & I wouldn't know what to do, solutions online weren't helpful as well.
NextDNS fails to work on UXG-Lite
Used the install script, and it seemed to setup correctly. Tried starting nextdns, and checking the status root@UXG-Lite:~# nextdns status Error: service in failed state Checked the logs: Dec 23 20:…
Internal LAN IPs not showing
Hello, I don't often check logs, and i found today that clicking on any row on the LOG page does not give me anymore any information. Did anything change on the service?…
Wrong server location and high latency
I checked ping.nextdns.io and the result is below. I want to use zepto-sel or vultr-sel location server, becuase the ping is ultralow. Here is DIAG link of my router. https://nextdns.…
Wrong server location and high latency
I checked my ping.nextdns.io and the result is below. I want to use the sel server because it's ping is much lower than now. This is my DIAG link, and please review it. https://nextdns.…
Flat isnt working for certain Apps, City WLAN isnt working
I reacently discoverd NextDNS and tried it out on my Android smartphone. But i have a few Problems. When im using NextDNS for example Apps like Paypal the App says im am not connected to the Internet.…
Synchro issue between NextDNS server
Hi, there is currently an issue related to synch issue between nextdns servers. There is an issue between (for example) and Same issue between ipv6 servers.…
Tiktok app block not working
It seems that the Tiktok block in parental controls isn't working (at least in the EU). It only works when I manually block tiktokcdn-eu.com but then I cannot use the recreation function.…
Network Latency
From SFO I'm being routed to JNB https://nextdns.io/diag/13349df0-9f8b-11ee-bda5-d11bbe6ec06f
Logs are broken
Hello ! I installed NextDNS servers on all my devices at home, a profile for each person at home. For several days, DNS requests from certain devices no longer appear, in particular DOT requests,…
Same device connects to different servers depending on setup
I am noticing interesting behavior around which server location is being used. I am located in the Great Lakes region of the US. When using Private DNS in Android I connect to servers in Pittsburgh.…
High latency to Google domains
Hi! For at least a couple of days (but quite possibly longer) I've noticed that Google-related domains (google.com, youtube.com etc.) resolve to IP addresses that are, judging by the latency,…
Ads that cannot be blocked
Advertisements on www.sozcu.com.tr cannot be blocked in any way.
Another rightwing site (4chan) blocked as Porn
Hello, I have NextDNS' standard Porn filter in my DNS setup. Just for funsies I wanted to see what 4chan is. I tried navigating to boards.4chan.org, but it was blocked as Porn:…
Getting logged off websites in browser
Hi, since using NextDNS I noticed I am getting logged off from websites on my PC. Almost any site that would keep me logged on for longer periods ( for example, ebay, amazon, even NextDNS),…
Having intermittant issues connecting
Hello -- I've been using NextDNS for awhile, but over the last week or so I've been having issues where it just seems like nothing can connect (pages never resolve). In the ping.nextdns.…
Help us improve NextDNS by reporting bugs.