Subscription date got it wrong?

It's been 24 hours since I emailed billing@nextdns.io

While waiting for their reply, have any of you ever encountered this issue? And why does my subscription resume its date right where I left off? I canceled those subscriptions back then, and I only paid for one month. After a couple of months, various DNS providers that I tested... I decided NextDNS was the best for me, so I chose to pay for one year. But as you can see in the picture, it resumes where I left off. I will update if there's any reply from NextDNS.

2 replies

    • Low_Criticism_8567
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Still no reply from NextDNS. I did emailed to them for the 2nd time. I love using NextDNS, but their support is dead. If, somehow, by miracle, their support comes back alive and fixes my problem, then I will update here again.

      • Agi_Ga
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Just look around a bit... It takes time. Sometimes they answer quite fast ,sometimes it takes a bit longer and sometimes you will never get an answer.

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