NextDNS TIF discontinued - HaGeZi TIF?
Hello, the default Thread-intelligence-feeds haven´t been updated for a long time and are now dead (https://github.com/nextdns/metadata/blob/master/security/threat-intelligence-feeds.json).…
Request to add Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds blocklist
Dear NextDNS team, As you know, Hagezi maintains a number of high-quality, frequently updated blocklists that help protect users against various online threats and unwanted content.…
Add Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds
Please add the Hagezi TIF list as an option.
DNS leaking
Recently noticed, that if I'm using NextDNS, I'm getting leaks someone called Misaka Network appears, correct me if I am wrong, but this doesn't look like NextDNS service.…
Handshake / Namebase (web3) domains routed to Godaddy aftermarket sales
I own two Namebase tlds: rloc and ysec Both do not work with web3 enabled on NextDNS. The interesting part is that while they do not resolve at all with a google DNS (8.8.8.…
website categories
It could have a site category filter like other tools. You can block them or leave them free to access. Use AI to classify websites as they are accessed. Sample https://www.fortiguard.…
Third party provider
Hello NextDNS, I just started using your service and I really like it. Just one question. If I do a dns leak test I see that I use http://dns.nextdns.io as a host but ANEXIA as a provider.…
`freeupscmaterials.org` falsely blocked by TI
The site is wrongly blocked by TI feeds.
Thailand's TTC-CERT blocklist
I raised a PR in nextdns/blocklists to have Thailand's Telecommunications Sector CERT (TTC-CERT) blocklist incorporated. The list targets security threats.…
I would like a toggle, to completely block all IPV6 addresses no matter what.
Recently my phone has gone rogue and something is causing it to communicate in IPV6, I would like a toggle to block any and all IPV6 adresses.
Neither TLD nor domain blocking are working
I've blocked *.ru domains and yandex.ru specifically in the appropriate settings, and a few hours later none of those settings have begin to take affect. Any insights?
Amazon SG (Amazon Singapore website)
I have a problem accessing www.amazon.sg for the past two weeks. This is a new issue, I have been using it for the last couples of years without problem.…
Websites on denylist are not blocked anymore
Hello, i have a license and tested if i add some websites on denylist are blocked and it worked. Now i have the dns added in all my firewalls, but the denylist not working anymore.…
DoH and DoT
Here a good article on DoH and DoT https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/community-blogs/protecting-organizations-in-a-world-of-doh-and-dot/ba-p/313171
This device is not using NextDNS.
We have five ubiquity dream machine Pro SE's and each one has a static wan address we configured with next DNS. It was working last night and overnight all of them say the device is not using next…
DNS0 blocked by pron filter
Found out that dns0.eu can't be opened when you have the porn filter activated, maybe worth to report...
NextDNS Not Working
I Changed my router DNS IP from Google to NextDNS but when I check through a NextDNS website it's still showing I am using Google DNS. Then I changed through Windows settings,…
False positive: iliad.it
Iliad is a major Italian mobile and internet service provider. The Threat Intelligence Feed has been blocking their website for a few days now, and with it being an ISP you can clearly see why that's…
https://www.iliad.it/ wrongly blocked by threat intelligence feeds
Hi team, threat intelligence feeds is currently blocking https://www.iliad.it/ this is one of the most important ISPs in Italy, please correct this issue. thank you
Unable to switch to annual payment plan
I want to switch to an anuual payment plan, but am unable to do so. I've tried 2-3 browsers on 2 different Apple platforms, with browser ad-blockers off and NextDNS enabled-- just in case.…
Cerberus App Doesn't work
Hi guys, Today somethings has blocking my CERBERUS APP. The device is not connected to the internet, or does not have a connection with Google servers Cerberus App is Anti-theft then permits total…
lowes.com, homedepot.com etc randomly some traffic get directed to Ecuador per NEXTDNS reports
my W11 PC using DoH with yoga dns seem not impacted my macos, iphone and android device using same nextDNS profile are especially when using lowes app or going to homedpot.…
NextDNS stops working properly when updating to iOS 17, iPadOS 17
Hi, there is something that I found out - it seems very important for all the users that have Apple devices and use your service. After updating my Apple devices to the latest OS I noticed that the…
Threat-Intelligence: False-Positive
Hello! The domain one-digitalservice.ch is currently blocked by Threat-Intelligence-Feeds. However, this important domain is from Viseca One Service and is used, for example,…
Bug - Threat Intelligence Feeds Blocking Docusign Domain
As it says in the title, we have an issue where users seeking account.docusign.com are getting an error page reminiscent of visiting When checking the NextDNS logs,…