Asuswrt Merlin
Repeatedly log entries: Dec 10 23:56:57 nextdns[31717]: parse question: unpacking Question.Name: segment prefix is reserved Dec 10 23:56:57 nextdns[31717]: Query 127.0.0.…
dnsmasq setting clarification - IPv4 address and strict-order
1. On the Setup tab for my account, under Linked IP it lists these DNS servers: But under Setup Guide, if you select Linux (or Routers), for dnsmasq (and stubby, knot, etc.…
Traffic Destination will error on hover on Canada
Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.…
VPN and linked ip
Hi To use a VPN /WireGuard together with Nextdns on some platforms you have to use the linked IP feature, because both cannot function at the same time (eg, iOS ).…
End-user designated cloud log storage?
We would like the ability to designate AWS/Azure/GCloud storage options for logs. This is a more flexible option for retention control and log analysis.
Getting iOS crash logs
To help troubleshoot some bugs, the NextDNS Team may need you to submit crash logs from your iOS device. iOS Instructions (for iOS 11 or later) Navigate to your device Settings > Privacy > Analytics…
What is a malware?
A malware (for malicious software) designates any type of harmful software, including viruses, worms, trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, etc. NextDNS can not replace an anti-virus but can…
How to customize the upstream resolver?
Users of solutions like Pi-hole® are used to be able to choose an upstream resolver. While NextDNS can be thought as a Pi-hole® in the cloud, it does not work the same way.…
What is the advantage of using NextDNS over Pi-hole®?
The main advantages of using NextDNS over Pi-hole® are: Ease of installation and maintenance. You don’t need to setup a Raspberry Pi and maintain a software up to date on your network.…