NextDNS on EdgeOS with Split Horizon

Hi Everyone,

I've recently been testing out NextDNS and just configured it on my EdgeRouter 4. I have a local DNS server for my lab, and wanted to point my domain to that. I've setup the forwarder which looks like this in my config:

forwarder my-example.domain.=

When I try to query my local domain I get no response, and see this error in the NextDNS logs on the ER4:

Query UDP A gitea.my-example.domain. (qry=65/res=12) 7ms UDP: dns resolve: write: write udp> write: operation not permitted


I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to continue troubleshooting this, so any ideas would be appreciated :)

1 reply

    • David_Chatterton
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Turns out I wasn't allowing port 53 from my router to lab network. User error :P Working perfectly now.

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