Top Traffic Destinations in a table too
I like the map and all, but it would be great to have a table similar to the others with the top 5 or 10 top traffic destinations.
Custom Date Ranges for Analytics Page
I think the Analytics page has a nice look Sometimes it would be useful to be able to specify a custom date range for the view instead of only the default ranges.…
Exclude/Hide Domains & Custom TTL
Exclude/Hide Domains - This would be useful for domains that we want queried but that we don't necessarily want to see in the analytics/logs. We could manually add domains/subdomains to a Domain…
Playstation Network blocked when AI-driven threat detection turned on
Hi! When the "AI-driven threat detection" is turned on, my PS5 can't connect to the Playstation Network. It's also unable to start games (online PS+ check), show my trophies and even reboot my PS5.…
https://test.nextdns.io shows the protocol as UDP not DoH or DoT?
I am running NextDNS using WireGuard or OpenVPN through PIA - PrivateInternetAccess VPN. Everything passes all tests that I have ran. However, I need help to have the NextDNS protocol DoH or DoT to…
Add Soteria nou's domain list
Someone already added this to the "metadata", I'll share it here https://github.com/soteria-nou/domain-list https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soteria-nou/domain-list/master/analytics.txt
UDP traffic using ISP provided Calix GigaSpire GS 4220E
Thanks to help on the forum I was able to get my family's NextDNS working overseas. I got home back in US and immediately tried to get it running over the weekend.…
Why do you have servers in russia?
I understand that it's also a problem of my ISP that it routes traffic to russia. But why does NextDNS have servers in russia at all? Considering their laws, censorship, and military aggression,…
Problem with my mobile company in Android
Hi, im been using nextdns for a year+ without any problem. Suddenly, starts to works bad. I get a lot of messages with "private dns can connect Internet.…
Private DNS on Android bypass Nextdns
I have a USG ubiquiti on my network. I made a vlan with Nextdns for parental control, and it works fine on PCs, but on Android phones I see no way to block when "Private DNS" is active in the…
Jio WiFi calling is not working
Jio 4G WiFi calling is not working when using nextdns as dns servers possible domains not resolving I think _sips._tcp.1p.in.jio.rcs.telephony.goog epdg.epc.mnc854.mcc405.pub.3gppnetwork.org 1p.in.…
DDR Support?
Does NextDNS support or plan to support Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR) ?
Setting Windows browsers to use Secure DNS
Hi. I have completed the set up for NextDNS and it has been working well for a couple of weeks. I have not yet followed the steps in the setup guide for setting browsers to use Secure DNS (see…
Inviting editors
I have not been successful in giving access to another individual to be able to edit my configuration. I selected Settings > Access > Invite. The individual received an email,…
Cant load logs
Got 3 different accounts and tried few different browsers/pc, it just spins like this, all other menus like Analytics etc load just fine, whats the problem here?
Hi! The past few weeks i've seen a single domain more and more that's being blocked. "use-application-dns.net" coming from only my iPhone. I don't exactly know which app is trying to reach this…
Problems with (apparently) new server
The new low latency server in my edgeuno-ssa region (ultralow1) is causing issues regarding hit logging. I'll send pictures below exemplifying the problem. Is there a solution on the way? Edit.…
iOS app failing to work.
iPhone 6s iOS 13.7 Since Thursday 2nd June at around 5:30 am BST (British Summer Time) the NextDNS app on my iPhone suddenly stopped working, after months of no problems.…
Entered DNS servers into my router but shows zero traffic?
I want to take baby steps trying out NextDNS, so I signed up for an account and then just entered my DNS addresses from the "Linked IP" section of the NextDNS setup page into my router.…
NextDNS leftover in macOS network interface
Hi. I removed NextDNS confutation profile but for some reason there is a leftover service in macOS network interface that I can't get rid of. The minus sign is greyed out and only for NextDNS line.…
doh resolve: context deadline exceeded
We keep getting the above errors in the logs with constant intermittent DNS access, any idea what may be causing this?
Deploy App with Pre-Defined Settings
We utilize IBM's MaaS360 and are looking for a way to distribute the NextDNS app with the settings already defined so I don't have to manually configure every device.…
Re-organize the list of configurations.
It would be great to have the possibility to reorganize the list of configurations, personally I often need it and I have to delete the configuration, to then re-create them in the right order.
Device identity with wireguard (wg-quick) + systemd-resolved setup
Hello ! How can i show NextDNS Device Identity in wg-quick profile ? Currenttly i have witten NextDNS ipv6 addresses directly to configuration: [Interface] PrivateKey = xxxxxxxxx Address = 172.16.0.…