How to block ip address? for exampl 123.123.123:123
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 420Views
Calvin Hobbes I mean how to do that through Nextdns? I want to block telegram
akshay NextDNS blocks hosts by name. A firewall blocks by ip
Calvin Hobbes this is sad :/ On homepage of nextdns they wrote "The new firewall for the modern Internet." but no core feature of blocking Ip address
Akshay the word Firewall can be loosely interpreted as anything that blocks bad stuff. To block an IP address you need an IP firewall which is often just called “firewall”
For home use, a typical home router provides IP protection from unsolicited outside traffic from getting in. NextDNS prevents devices from making requests for undesirable traffic. (We all get to decide what’s undesirable for our use case)
NextDNS has determined what hosts are looked up for Telegram and block those if you use that settings. I have no idea how well it works or doesn’t work as I don’t use telegram nor have a need to block it
Akshay Why would a DNS server block IP addresses? That's not its function. You can block dns addresses for services you want to block.