Handshake / Namebase (web3) domains routed to Godaddy aftermarket sales
I own two Namebase tlds: rloc and ysec Both do not work with web3 enabled on NextDNS. The interesting part is that while they do not resolve at all with a google DNS (8.8.8.…
More filters and alarms in analytics section
I would like to have more flexibility on analysis filters, for example amounts of days for periods, instead of presets of days. also a daily report or alarms of analytics for each profile could be…
createaforum.com blocked?
Added it to my whitelist in NextDNS and while it loaded once, now I get: "Connection Problems - Sorry, Create A Forum was unable to connect to the database.…
No or slow internet when NextDNS is enabled
Hello NextDNS Community! I have this problem since yesterday and I didn't changed anything in settings or blocklists. I use NextDNS on windows + NextDNS app.
Forwarder only forwarding some addresses?
Hi, Ive got nextdns installed on my unifi UDM Pro, I have the nextdns client to forward requests for "my.domain" to 192.168.1.x. it only seems to be reliably doing that for a subset of the addresses.…
some strange activity MACOS with NEXTDNS udp is being used...
NextDNS I am trying to understand what I see I have MAcOS with profile and DoH was working fine then hit test.nextdns.io via chrome and said it was okay but using UDP!…
Connection timeout error on account.google.com
Greetings, I've been using NextDNS for a while with no issues; however, yesterday I started having issues while connecting to https://accounts.google.com/signin/chrome/sync,…
I would like a toggle, to completely block all IPV6 addresses no matter what.
Recently my phone has gone rogue and something is causing it to communicate in IPV6, I would like a toggle to block any and all IPV6 adresses.
Does NextDNS have a server in Kolkata, India?
I see on the map that there's a server in Kolkata, India (CCU) but I don't see it on the pingtest link. Can you please confirm how I can use it? It's nearest to me.…
This device is not using NextDNS.
We have five ubiquity dream machine Pro SE's and each one has a static wan address we configured with next DNS. It was working last night and overnight all of them say the device is not using next…
Alternative domain for nextdns?
Next dns is being blocked by london undergound and some other wifi providers, if there was an alternative domain available it would be possible use that, is something like that available?
DNS0 blocked by pron filter
Found out that dns0.eu can't be opened when you have the porn filter activated, maybe worth to report...
Udm-pro uninstall itself cli
Hello team, I have strange issue, I install on my UniFi udm-pro the cli app, configure and all working… but after few days ( always variable), app uninstall itself.…
NextDNS Not Working
I Changed my router DNS IP from Google to NextDNS but when I check through a NextDNS website it's still showing I am using Google DNS. Then I changed through Windows settings,…
How to turn off NextDNS block in chrome?????
What should I do to completely remove this thing from my computer? I can't even access the download page. I don't know what happened. I can normally access these websites in Firefox, but in Chrome,…
Cerberus App Doesn't work
Hi guys, Today somethings has blocking my CERBERUS APP. The device is not connected to the internet, or does not have a connection with Google servers Cerberus App is Anti-theft then permits total…
DNS change for some websites
Some websites block me with the warning that there is no secure connection due to nextdns. For example, my corporate email account and other corporate connections.…
how to setup nextdns on D-Link DIR-615-BC03 router using DDNS
Hi, At first thanks for all good works. Would you please instruct me how to setup nextdns in router ? i want to use several device in several user profile but same account. how? Thanks. Hasib
NextDNS DNS Servers Suddenly Stopped Working
Running NextDNS on my Unifi Dream Machine (UDM). Everything was working fine, then DNS stopped working. I'm no longer able to resolve DNS using my issued DNS servers: and…
lowes.com, homedepot.com etc randomly some traffic get directed to Ecuador per NEXTDNS reports
my W11 PC using DoH with yoga dns seem not impacted my macos, iphone and android device using same nextDNS profile are especially when using lowes app or going to homedpot.…
How can i setup NextDNS in to My "Deco M4" Wifi router???
I'm using "deco m4 tplink wifi router"! I want to setup nextdns in my router but i can't!!!
I Replace DNS from DHCP, IPV4 & IPV6... But cannot connecting with nextdns with my router
.. Plz help me!
DNS do not use the lowest ping server
Can you please help to improve the auto server selection to use lowest ping server. This is the server it using currently, the server is not located in my country.…
NextDNS stops working properly when updating to iOS 17, iPadOS 17
Hi, there is something that I found out - it seems very important for all the users that have Apple devices and use your service. After updating my Apple devices to the latest OS I noticed that the…
keeps connecting to the high ping server
simple google page takes 10-15 second to load.
NextDNS causing internet light at router shows orange colour but has internet access
Hello everyone. Anyone from Malaysia experiencing the internet light at router shows orange colour but has internet access? I am using NextDNS for my house and parents' house and both routers shows…