Blocking all illegal contents
A toggle switch in the security section to block all kinds of illegal contents.
Add Soteria nou's domain list
Someone already added this to the "metadata", I'll share it here https://github.com/soteria-nou/domain-list https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soteria-nou/domain-list/master/analytics.txt
A new feature that has been added to NextDNS, can be found in the Settings tab, here is a quick explanation from the website. "Web3 refers to a decentralized and censorship-resistant online…
Instagram search doesn't work even with with turned off all blocklists
It was working few weeks ago. Nothing blocked appeared on the logs. Is there a setting in NextDNS which could cause that? Thanks.
Alternative app lock to enter Telegram
Telegram today is a gateway to pornography, malware, piracy and a lot of other undesirable things. I recently discovered that a user on my network is bypassing the telegram block using the…
Adding some missing regional filters from uBlock
Hi ! I am looking to adding some regional filters (EST) present in uBlock but missing in NextDNS. How could it be done? Or there are any other filters under NextDNS,…
Nextdns down ?
I can no longer access my NextDNS account, with the following error messages in the screenshots
my.nextnds.io is down !
The administration page of nextdns is down for me, am i the only one ?
Feature custom blocklists
Can add custom blocklist via file upload like in pictures
What would happen if i reach over 300,00 queries.
i already reached 300,000 queries. it still works. What will not work
NextDNS has a new feature
On the Privacy tab at the bottom now we have this feature. Where allowing affiliate tracking has a new thing where it hides the users IP address. "Your IP address will automatically be hidden from…
Add log location in Oceania/Australia
The current spread of log locations is great; however as an Australian user it would be even better if we could host logs in Australia as an option for those in the Oceania region.…
DNS LEAK to Goo*gle
Hello, I did a mobileconfig for iOS using the configurator on the NextDNS website and installed it on the device. the first "dnsleaktest.com' shows no leaks and only shows the NextDNS server.…
CNAME cloaking to bypass DNS tracking protection
https://blog.lukaszolejnik.com/large-scale-analysis-of-dns-based-tracking-evasion-broad-data-leaks-included/ does CNAME flattening help with this? I’m not smart enough to understand the details.
Hi NextDns Community, What are the best most optimal blocklist to use without breaking sites? Also is there a setting or blocklist which can be used to block the comments section to news articles…
Portuguese/Spanish List
Hi! I'd like to suggest a list for Portuguese/Spanish, like the ones available for Italian, French etc! Thanks! David
Mullvad VPN & NextDNS
Hey everyone. I have setup Mullvad VPN on my router, and am using NextDNS as DNS server. I’m still very new to this, so sorry if it’s a stupid question
Mullvad VPN tells me that I have a DNS leak,…
Device-Scoped Allowlist/Denylist
Being able to allow a particular hostname only on a specific set of devices is something I recently needed to do.
may i write doh like this -- https://[ my ipv6 dns address ]/dns-query
may i write doh like this -- https://[ my ipv6 dns address ]/dns-query
Allowlist & Denylist take few minutes to response
I visit a website which being block falsely,so i need to allow few domain in it and diagnose which one is the problem, testing one by one wont help since the list take few minutes before active…
Is this why I think I have been MDM’ed without permission? Can someone explain please. All I know this happened after someone visited me and I noticed there was the apple content cache txt resolver.…
Intuit CNAME records and blocking of logging.api.intuit.com
Intuit's TurboTax software is very chatty to internet domains, beyond intuit.com. I see that logging.api.intuit.com is blocked by NextDNS Ads & Trackers, as well as No Tracking lists.…
Not steering well.
Hello, Using NextDNS iOS App. I normally connected to ultralow anexia-par(IPV6) or zepto-lon(IPV6). Lately I have been connected to vultr-lon which has more latency and a bit worried about the AS…
Blocklists must be updated.
Dear Staff, The Following Blocklists are no longer working and should be removed from NextDNS: NSABlocklist: https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/NSABlocklist Shalla's Blacklists (tracker) & Shalla's…
Blocklist threshold setting to avoid false positives
Just got an idea... To avoid false positives even further a way could be to let the user have a setting under "Privacy" to select how many blocklists a domain must be included in before it's blocked.…