URLhaus blocklist
This blocklist contains a hole ton of malicious ips and domains, probably not caught by nextdns(yet) The lists are in here(don't get convinced this an api just by looking at the url,…
Adding to the denylist and denylist upgrades
NextDNS is fantastic, but imho the user interface is incomplete. It would be great to be able to "right-click" or anyway select an address on the Logs page to block it right away.…
Security API's
You should add the virustotal and urlvoid API to your systems, it is very useful for keeping viruses from our devices to, maybe, even your own servers. urlvoid.com; apivoid.…
iPhone -Privacy warning
I get this below warning from iPhone while connecting to the router configured with NextDNS, is this expected? This network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic.…
Analytics and Logs location iOS
Can’t locate Analytics and logs in the app or on the site
Ads on YouTube
On YouTube Still Have a lot of ads. Or it's can not block ads on YouTube?. It's too much ads. please fix all this
Enable 2FA and Email Notifications when deleting Account
Can we enable the 2FA and email notifications when deleting an account? I think it’s better if 2FA is required and also an email notification is sent for added security in case someone accidentally…
Set up help
Idk what anything means. Help?
no DoH if using Linked IP DNS servers?
is this the expected behaviour? I added the 2 IP4 DNS servers and the logs show no encrypted DNS. Does this tell me I can't get DoH this way?
Android 11 - Google Play Store(v 24.7.28-21)- Apps Download/Update
I am ready to give up at this point. As the title says, I cant seem to figure out why I can't download/update any apps on the Google Play Store running on Galaxy S10 (Android 11).…
300.000 lookups in a month for two people?
I just managed to exceed 300K lookups. It is just my girlfriend and I in the apartment. My question is if this is a reasonable amount for two people, or if I should look for an over eager device…
DNS queries not always using the Account block settings
looks like some queries are being answered as if there was no custom NextDNS config on them. the first 2 queries (one to the ipv4 and one to the ipv6 address) to a blocked category domain was not…
Pocket app issues
Hi, Having issues with the Pocket app for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ideashower.readitlater.pro As you can hopefully see with the.…
spotify video ads not being blocked
So I'm using Spotify on Windows 10 (the app not the website). The nextdns logs show it blocking the ads on Spotify but yet only banner ads are being blocked and video ads are getting through.…
Non-ios Device Accessing iOS.dns.nextdns.io
One of my DirecTV receivers uploaded ~3MB to ios.dns.nextdns.io to TCP Port 80. 1. Why is a non-ios Device Accessing this url? 2. Why is it uploading data at all? 3. Why is it using port 80? 4.…
Configurable IDN Homograph attack protection?
I'd like to start a discussion of whether it's possible to have the IDN homograph protection be a bit more configurable? More specifically, attacks are usually using characters with small accents,…
NextDNS Blocked on Xfinity?
I've posted about this elsewhere but haven't gotten a good response. This is a really weird issue. I recently started getting a DNS error out of nowhere when browsing the web.…
AdGuard & NextDNS configuration HELP !
If anyone can help me to configure AdGuard Home with NextDNS, that would be very kind. I have no idea about this.
I want to set this up for M1 Mac. Please help.
Dns over TLS
I want to use Dns over tls on next dns on android but i dont know how to use it can anybody help me Reason By default nxt dns use dns over https which have some privacy concers due to metadata such…
Deny ipv6 lookups
This reduces geolocation accuracy and also increases privacy since ipv4 is shared among many users.
Query source
I am on my 1 day old M1 MacBook and i just noticed that these queries will come up frequently. I just want to know how can I find out who is making these queries or any queries.…
NextDNS and Mullvad VPN on iOS
Hello, Is it possible to use NextDNS with Mullvad VPN at the same time on iOS?
Unable to re-write www.youtube-nocookie.com
Hello @nextdns I am trying to rewrite www.youtube-nocookie.com to restrict.youtube.com. But not working. But it's working for www.google.com rewrite to forcesafesearch.google.…
NextDNS not blocking domains
I'm using Adguard for Android to set my device's DNS to NextDNS. Both have their own filtering log and I see that NextDNS doesn't block vortex.data.microsoft.com but is blocked by Adguard.…
Security: End-all-active-sessions & timeline-logs of config changes
At the moment, you're not in control of your logins on my.nextdns.io which is detrimental to your account security. When you forgot to logoff somewhere you can't even recognise this anywhere nor end…