Blocking Specific Words
A feature that blocks all websites containing a specific word would be a great addition. For example, I could type "bet," and every website with this word in its address would be blocked.…
Merge custom Allow/Block lists across profiles
I have 3 kids. Instead of manually adding the same domains on each and every of my childrens profiles under allow or deny i wish there was a way to merge the lists,…
Add OISD Blocklists - Small, Big and NSFW
I understand you have the ability to select the blocklist OISD within NextDNS. That said, NextDNS only offers the one blocklist. I would like to see blocklist options for the below OISD blocklists.…
Allowed only
I'd like to see allowed logs only, could this be added? I want to view only allowed sites for various reasons. Thanks
Access control
When visiting a website a page will popup asking for username and password or just password if it's correct it will give u access to the website or domain if wrong u will get 5 more attempts if all…
About the Nextdns.ca
Can u guys make a certificate editor it will have all the normal data but id like to be able to edit the blocking page and the unblocked page like for example some ideas that could be considered for…
NextDNS Should Add HaGeZi TIF and OISD NFSW
NextDNS is great, but it’s missing two key blocklists: HaGeZi TIF and OISD NSFW. Here’s why they should be added: HaGeZi TIF provides excellent coverage of threat intelligence feeds,…
New Idea: Custom Blocklists
Allow users to import custom blocklists from a git repo in the standard format. This would alleviate a lot o the gripes people have, allow them to subscribe to more expansive lists (or create their…
IDEA - Add Your Own Websites for Parental Control
If you add a website to blocked it is blocked all the time but you may want to have a site that is blocked at all times apart from the Recreation time so at the top where it says Have ability to add…
A block page for android version
Could you please try to make a specific function for android app for which app will take device adminitrator permissions so that the dns cannot be removed and the app cannot be uninstalled until the…
Block Top-Level Domains (TLDs)
pls add (.lat )TLDs not exist
block all domains quickly?
I was looking to block all websites except for Youtubekids for my kids, on their Kindle Fires by controlling their DNS settings. Is the best way to do this just add all the TLDs at 'Block Top-Level…
More options for Recreation Time Slots
From "parental control" aspects, I would prefer being able to get more granular options for the block/enable time slots for my kids. Rather than the current all or nothing time slots I would want to…
GAFAM blocking!
Hi NextDNS committee, I suggest you check these lists out and add them to the blocklists as soon as possible! https://github.com/nickspaargaren/no-google?…
Extend Parental Control functionality
It would be great if the Parental Control functions were a bit extended, because as it is, it's not really usable in the real world. Here's what I'd love to see added:…
Add more services in Parental Control
I think is a good idea, add more services on Parental Control. I use Adguard Home on my house blocking many other services on home network. But is not easy on mobile devices of my kids.…
School style game blocklist for homeschool kids.
https://github.com/Mafraysse/AdGuard_GameList-Filter The games that can be blocked in the current list is to small. The link up top are what schools are using in my home town, to block a ton of games.…
End of Recreation Time
I'm sure it's common desire to set recreation time ending after midnight OR disable it at all for the weekend. But Nextdns blocks both! If I cannot (why?…
Block Anime Sites
Hi is there an easy way or like category for anime sites, so that I can block it to my network ?
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page
Please add a function that allows users to customize Block Page This makes it much more personalized
Please add OISD NSFW blocklist as an option
Could you please add the OISD NSFW blocklist as an option to the blocklists available? There are just soooo many sites missing in the default "porn" list currently used in NextDNS that it's…
block adult website
block adult website s2vips.com
Block shorts on YouTube
Hello, Please add to the Denylist the possibility to add all the links starting by: youtube.com/shorts/ Because no option given by YouTube to disable shorts. Same for Facebook with Facebook.…
Delete unmaintained/unupdated filter lists
As the title suggests, delete the unmaintained and unupdated filter lists to clear the option a bit and keep things working and up-to-date.
Disincentivize Use Through Artificial Delays
We can already block websites and we can block them for limited hours using the parental controls. However, fully blocking a website is a pretty big limitation.…
Share your feedback and vote for the best ideas.