OPNSense, DNSmasq and Nextdns
Hi All First of all I'm a newbie with all of this just trying to follow guides etc so please bare with me. I'm trying to configure OPNSense to use NextDNS CLI whilst keeping the functionality of…
Block subdomain of allowed parent domain
Allow: api.vungle.com block or redirect: ads.api.vungle.com how? allow is necessary to overcome subscription block.
W11 Setup: Do you do BOTH WiFi and Ethernet?
I am on Windows 11 and use both Ethernet and Wifi. I setup WiFi per the instructions. When I then go to setup ethernet, I get an error. You use the exact same settings for both - but do you actually…
UniFi CyberSecure by Proofpoint Compatibility?
I use the NextDNS CLI with my Unifi UDM SE and it works flawlessly. I was debating about subscribing to the Unifi CyberSecure by Proofpoint offering but unsure if it will be compatible with the…
NextDNS Setup for UDM Pro/SE, Multi-VLAN, Multi Profile
G'morning all, I wanted to drop a post here as I was recently converted to NextDNS for its features and controls. Being a long time Unifi user & engineer,…
Anything wrong?
Why sudden drop in queries? Does anyone know?
DNS-over-TLS Asus Router Setup (Please Help)
I cannot get my head around the setup of dns-over-tls on my router AX56U and would just like some confirmation with the setup please. So when I navigate to the WAN section should I be selecting…
Hello post Christmas my partner has struggled with teams call and video quality. If I change to my default isp dns then it fixes the issue. any ideas? Don’t want to have to give NextDNS up
EDNS (ECS) problem
I run the CLI on an ASUS router and always saw my ECS info I went to dnscheck.tools, but for the past few weeks the ECS info is missing. I have removed and reinstalled the CLI,…
ISP is blocked
I hope this is the correct place to report, but somehow my home ISP is blocked on NextDNS. Only my IP is blocked, not the provider, happy to share the IP if someone can support with unblocking it.…