API rate limits and internalServerErrors
Hi there - I am developing a profile syncing application using the NextDNS APIs. I occassionally out of the blue start receiving status 500 `internalServerError` responses and the requests seem to…
API Log pull, redirect | CURL and script challenges (automation)
Problem: I want to pull logs from the API using CURL The redirected URL that is currently returned must be subject to scripting before it can be used for example in a crontab job I want to pull the…
Change or disable api key
Hi, is there any way to disable or change the api key? If compromised, it should be possible to kill the access. Thanks in advance
Feature Request: Globally disable NextDNS in UI
I have been using this service for the last couple years. Every once and a while though, I will have to debug problems. I like on the phone apps there is a global toggle that disables the NextDNS vpn,…
Duolingo native ads
Since recently Duolingo is able to bypass dns protection to display its native ads. Does someone know how to block them? I've tried combining different block lists in NextDNS but with no success.
I think I know how to block YouTube ads with NextDNS: Scripts!
I recently looked into the 1Blocker (App) way of handling YouTube ads. Since I am on iOS (one of the most restrictive OS‘s out there), I was curious how they circumvented all the hoops of the OS to…
Is it Possible to have an IP Address Blocklist-AbuseIPDB
Hi Everybody, NextDNS does a great job of capturing all the DNS requests. But lately been noticing a large number of Outbound/Inbound Random IP Address, in my Router Logs.…
To add "Gacha games" as gambling, or at least at them to the "app block list"
Games like Genshin Impact, Summoners War, Guardian Tales and similar feature gambling mechanics (called gacha in this places) that psychologically manipulates their consumers into expending money…
Clear DNS Cache via Web or API
Hi Folks - I would love to see a feature added that allows us to clear the NextDNS DNS cache, like Google DNS offers: https://dns.google/cache Even adding the ability to clear it for a single domain…
Getting "Network Error" When Loading Dashboard
My router (Asus) is currently configured for NextDNS via the Stubby config. I've setup DNS over TLS via the router UI. The DNS works but I can not load the NextDNS dashboard.…
API Ratelimits for adding URLs to Blocklist
Hey Champs! I found your service and wanted to give it a spin so i wrote a little something something to add URLs to the blocklist. After it added about 100 i got rate limited by the API.…
Don't work block.js
Script https://gist.github.com/rtfpessoa/7fdd3d4121ee4acafe56e8425154888a?permalink_comment_id=4063126
[API] Will rewrites be modifiable from the API?
Rewrites "set or override the DNS response for any domain. Rewrites apply to subdomains as well, and local IP addresses are supported as answers." It would be great if rewrites were modifiable from…
API Feature Request: Filter Logs with blocked reasons
Hello, I've been using the NextDNS API extensively. Great work, overall, team! It would be great to have the ability to filter blocked logs by passing one or more reasons:…
Repost - NextDNS for One VLAN
It's crazy that its been years and there is no resolution to the same issue that has plagued multiple people 1. https://help.nextdns.io/t/x2hn7qq/nextdns-with-udm-custom-config-help 2. https://help.…
What is "default" in result of API endpoint analytics/status?
In the "data" of the response for the API endpoint "analytics/status", there is a "status" of "default". The other two are "blocked" and "allowed". I think I understand "blocked" and "allowed" (the…
Master List
I think NextDNS is perfect but there is one thing id love to see. As an I.T security guy, I have been using Hosts files since the start of the Net so I never used an Antivirus as they are all scams,…
Endpoint Failed (regular)
Hi, I have been having a very common issue recently, almost daily, often twice daily, and its causing a lot of subsequent issues. The common thread I see in my ASUS (Merlin OS with NextDNS CLI…
Several measures to enhance security
Because it is about user privacy data, I hope nextdns should be able to do better in account security protection. 1. Add a button to close the API KEY.…
Synology SRM, CLI can't uninstall, update or install again.
Hi. I have a weird situation. Installed Nexdns CLI client on Synology Router and have since updated the router firmware. Synology RT2600ac router running firmware: SRM 1.2.5-8227 Update 5.…
Manually blocked?
Hello everyone, I have just noticed in the logs of my devices that a request has been blocked for a cause that I have never seen before: Manually blocked.…
Problems with the statistics chart
I realized a few days ago that after activating the logs on August 1, 2022, and clearing the old logs, there is a problem with the request graphs, it seems to be off,…
PATCHing arrays
Hello, First up, thanks so much for making the beta API available, i've been wanting for this for ages! The docs state: .. for array endpoints "Each child supports the PATCH and DELETE method (you…
Nextdns down ?
I can no longer access my NextDNS account, with the following error messages in the screenshots
my.nextnds.io is down !
The administration page of nextdns is down for me, am i the only one ?