how to enable bootstrap dns on android?
i see this option for profile on apple devices but not for android, any idea how?
Getting "Connected Without Internet" and "Private DNS Server Cannot Be Accessed" Errors
Hi Team! I keep getting "Connected without internet" wifi status and "Private DNS server cannot be accessed" message on my Samsung Galaxy Note10+ when using NextDNS IPv4 DNS servers on my router.…
dns abc2bd.dns.nextdns.io ????
I kindly ask if it is possible to do something about the dns filters, as I use Malwarebytes for Android, but if I put as dns abc2bd.dns.nextdns.io , the app does not update my signatures for…
NextDNS + Tailscale + Eduroam = fail
Hi, I've posted a bug report there: https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/13810 Would it be possible to have a look? TL;DR is that NextDNS+Tailscale works in all networks but that particular…
Anycast location wrong
Hi my vpn is ip it's in NL but the anycast for my nextdns is showing Singapore. Please fix
NextDNS filter does not block any youtube Ad on android
do you see youtube Ads while using NextDNS on your android?
Android DOT shows Unconfigured
Hello, Context : - DNS setting from DHCP (IPv4 & IPv6) all set to a NextDNS profile - WAN IP is a fixed one Everything is working fine on all the device of the network when using DNS port 53.…
Youtube restrict not enforced on TV
Hi Youtube Restricted does not seem to work on Android TV that obtains dns through router. However, it is enforced on other android devices.
Domains and IPv6 AAAA record whitelisting
Hello there, Recently I have been playing with IPv6 internet. To my surprise my ipv6 setup works perfectly, however there is a problem. Not all routes to specific websites using ipv6 is great,…
Eduroam and other networks not working
Hello, I tried this dns for a couple of days and I blocked a couple of domains, howerver i decided i didn't want it anymore because eduroam didn't work with it.…
NextDNS blocking access to Google Play Store in 2024??
So I've searched on here and Google. Every time I connect to NextDNS, I cannot download or update apps via the Google Play Store. In fact, when I load up the Play Store,…
How to Prevent NextDNS Bypass on Android by Changing 'Private DNS' to 'Automatic'?
Hi everyone, I've set up NextDNS on my TP-Link router (model TL-WR850N) to filter and secure my network traffic. Everything works well, but I recently discovered that Android devices on my network…
How to Prevent NextDNS Bypass on Android by Changing 'Private DNS' to 'Automatic'?
Hi everyone, I've set up NextDNS on my TP-Link router (model TL-WR850N) to filter and secure my network traffic. Everything works well, but I recently discovered that Android devices on my network…
DuckDuckGo Browser with Next DNS, possible problems?
On the Duckduckgo browser I activated the app tracking protection feature, which in the mobile enables the vpn even if it is not a real vpn, but I notice that the Duckduckgo block counter does not…
Android VPN settings to mimic NextDNS Android app? Can't connect to work Wi-Fi using Private DNS.
I accidentally erased the NextDNS app from my Android phone, and the app is no longer available on the Google Play store. I am not comfortable with the idea of installing an unverified APK file,…
No Email check for registration
Alright, basically: You can create an account, no matter the domain, TLS, or surname. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it goes something like so: 1. Go to ‘my.nextdns.…
Locks for mobile phone and TV setting
Regarding Next DNS I think I have found a solution: on private dns in the mobile phone settings I put the name of the mobile phone model and next DNS ID.…
Is there a way to create android app that imitates the old nextDNS app?
I'm developing an application similar to old nextDNS application for android. But with those endpoints that provided by setup tab, I can't make it working. Network connection works fine.…
Problems with Private DNS on Android
Hi, I'm new to NextDNS and i'm trying to configure it. I noticed a problem when I enable NextDNS both on my router and on my phone. I get a message error telling me "Failed to connect to the private…
Does Next DNS block in app trackers like duckduckgo's new beta app tracker blocker?
Yea after trying out they're new feature for awhile I started missing the way next dns kept ads out of apps I used but I can only use one of the services due to android only allowing one vpn network…
A block page for android version
Could you please try to make a specific function for android app for which app will take device adminitrator permissions so that the dns cannot be removed and the app cannot be uninstalled until the…
Interesting Look at DoH3/QUIC possible configurations
For the purpose of this post, I’ll only go over DoH3 since it’s similar to DoH and easier to configure for yourself to test. So I messed around with the link naming system on Adguard iOS and I found…
Hi, I want to watch a video on this page. for example: https://www.mafab.hu/movies/a-keresztapa-2551.html Many filters still block this site (for example-AdguarDNS).…
YouTube History not saving in YouTube App
I am using Android 13 Whenever I watch any YouTube video in YT app it doesn't get saved in history so I am only getting same type of video recommendations everytime,…
How to configure DDNS in Android? (IP needs to be updated often (VPN)
I use a VPN, without a static IP, as a result my IP address changes often. As a result of that, I want the IP I use to be linked to nextDNS, so everytime my IP changes,…