Blocking all illegal contents
A toggle switch in the security section to block all kinds of illegal contents.
NextDNS successfully added to router, but my devices are still not blocking ads/content
Hi there, so I changed my DNS settings on my Orbi R50 using both IPV6 and IPv4. For some reason IPV6 was not working so I used IPV4 instead (while keeping the IPV6 settings) and that did trick.…
VELOP mesh wifi not working with NextDNS
Hello, I've had to disconnect NextDNS from my Linksys Velop wifi system, as after a few hours, it would disconnect from the internet and display a red light.…
ChromeOS setup instructions missing an option
The setup instructions for ChromeOS fail to mention that there is an OS wide setting for secure DNS where a NextDNS server name can be entered. This seems to be a system wide thing,…
İmport Option for Allowlist and Denylist.
Hello my friends, Why NextDNS don't have an import option to add to allowlist and denylist ? I think, it must be. Because we spend a lot of time to add some address to add to allowlist and denylist…
Latency Issue
Hello Team, I came here to comment on a latency problem that is happening to me on the edgeuno-for server that is located in the same city that I live in.…
Assigned DNS server is no longer working
Hello Team, One of the assigned DNS servers has been stopped working. This is applicable to IPv4+IPv6. It just shows "Request timeout for icmp".
App day limit features
Every blocker has this feature i.e block by giving conditions which may be 1 hour a day or 5 minutes an hour. If the user hits 1 hour or 5 minutes the app will be automatically blocked.…
How to block video popup on bottom right?
Hi, Certain websites (such as sfgate.com) have a video popup on the bottom right (see image). Is there a way to block these on various different websites? Thanks.
Need Help To Understand.
Hi. Can someone help me to understand those results? Also, Cloudflare appears here? Thanks. FYI - NextDNS profile has been added to my iPhone - Limit IP Tracking is off in Wi-Fi and Safari iOS…
NextDNS Ping Results.
Just for my personal knowledge... Why when I do a ping in Safari iOS I get different results in term of speed and country than a ping from an iOS app - Net Analyzer (https://apps.apple.…
Better spam control on community?
I see a lot of spam on this community lately: * Totally off-topic posts with a single (spam) link * Totally useless reactions from people that advertise/spam on their profile page Can we please have…
How does NextDNS handle type 65 requests?
Apparently "type 65" requests can by bypass configured DNS services. OpenDNS blocks them. How does NextDNS handle these requests?
EDNS-subnet feature update
I did some research, nextdns use client address as EDNS‘ subnet, is there any chance change to srcip?
New DNS location: Porto Alegre (Brazil)
It would be great if a server in Porto Alegre (Brazil south) is added to NextDNS. EdgeUno, one of the hosts used by NextDNS, already has a datacenter in Porto Alegre. Thanks!
- Completed
Disabling deny list entries does not seem to be working
Adding an entry into the deny list, then disabling it doesn’t seem to be working. If an entry is disabled, I’d expect that entry to be working again, which doesn’t seem to be happening, Repro 1.…
Creation time separately for websites, apps ...
I want to always use the safe search and website blocker feature but on certain time i don't want to app blocker feature. But currently this feature is not available.…
Top Traffic Destinations in a table too
I like the map and all, but it would be great to have a table similar to the others with the top 5 or 10 top traffic destinations.
Custom Date Ranges for Analytics Page
I think the Analytics page has a nice look Sometimes it would be useful to be able to specify a custom date range for the view instead of only the default ranges.…
Exclude/Hide Domains & Custom TTL
Exclude/Hide Domains - This would be useful for domains that we want queried but that we don't necessarily want to see in the analytics/logs. We could manually add domains/subdomains to a Domain…
Playstation Network blocked when AI-driven threat detection turned on
Hi! When the "AI-driven threat detection" is turned on, my PS5 can't connect to the Playstation Network. It's also unable to start games (online PS+ check), show my trophies and even reboot my PS5.…
https://test.nextdns.io shows the protocol as UDP not DoH or DoT?
I am running NextDNS using WireGuard or OpenVPN through PIA - PrivateInternetAccess VPN. Everything passes all tests that I have ran. However, I need help to have the NextDNS protocol DoH or DoT to…
Add Soteria nou's domain list
Someone already added this to the "metadata", I'll share it here https://github.com/soteria-nou/domain-list https://raw.githubusercontent.com/soteria-nou/domain-list/master/analytics.txt
UDP traffic using ISP provided Calix GigaSpire GS 4220E
Thanks to help on the forum I was able to get my family's NextDNS working overseas. I got home back in US and immediately tried to get it running over the weekend.…
Why do you have servers in russia?
I understand that it's also a problem of my ISP that it routes traffic to russia. But why does NextDNS have servers in russia at all? Considering their laws, censorship, and military aggression,…