NextDNS Windows Client Removed from GitHub
The NextDNS Client for Windows used to be open source at github.com/nextdns/windows but now the repository no longer exists. Is there a reason it was made private/deleted?…
1Hosts Site Blocked by AI Detection
As title suggests.... looks like the AI threat detection is having some false positives.
Google.com Root certificate showing as not trusted (Man in the middle attack?)
I get the alarming message above on both my iPhone and iPad, despite trying both the bootstrapped NextDNS config file and the low Latency App Store app.…
Potential NextDNS security/privacy risk due to DS-Lite-Tunnel and linked IP
When an ISP can't assign a dedicated IP4 to a customer, it might use a DS-Lite-Tunnel to process IP4 requests via an IP4-to-IP6 tunnel. Pretty common in Europe at least.…
Confirm Delete on Allow/Deny Lists
I’ve had the problem a few times now on the mobile site where I am trying to tap the switch to turn a list item on or off and accidentally tap the ‘x’ and it just immediately deletes the list entry.…
Suggestion for Logging
Hi there I would like to be able to have more filters in the Logging section other than "Blocked Queries Only" and "Raw DNS Logs" For example in the Analytics Tab sometimes you come across threats…
Apple iOS leaks DNS requests.
I was wondering, is the DNS leak on iOS also true with NextDNS? https://twitter.com/mysk_co/status/1579997801047822336?s=61&t=8llDVUv_i47uHem7h5S1E
Redirecting blocked hosts to localhost by returning instead of NXDOMAIN is not ideal
Hi. Since this doesn't seem to be a security issue*, even though both Firefox [1] and Chrome/Chromium [2] allow this to happen currently, with both NextDNS and Cloudflare's 1.1.1.…
[Guide] NextDNS + Mullvad (WireGuard) + DOH3 on iOS / iPadOS / macOS
Introduction How to make NextDNS and Mullvad (WireGuard) work together, perfectly, is a question that has been asked hundreds of times and across many different forums.…
A pointed question: Why NextDNS?
In a world where we have OpenDNS, Quad9, Cloudfare, and other DNS services, I can't tell what makes NextDNS unique from the rest of the competition. Like NextDNS,…
TLD Feature Request
Hello all! Noticed a missing TLD in the Top Level Domains list and can't add manually. *.pt-br Please upgrade Good Work
I was using 2 factor authentication for Google authenticator, I had to format my old phone. After reinstalling the software all my authentication accounts were deleted.…
NextDNS device status notifications
Are there plans to offer a way to notify me via email or textmsg if a device stops using NextDNS?
Comments for Allow/Block Lists
Enable the ability to add a small comment to the allow/block list items to help the user remember why an item was added.
NextDNS Default Blocklists blocks Amazon App on Android
Yesterday, I noticed, that the Amazon Mobile App on Android didn't load the Startpage, but some Features from the App are Working (My Account, Prime Video Shipments, and so on),…
BBVA domain categorized as thread and blocked
Subdomain movil.bbva.es which belongs to BBVA ( the second biggest bank in Spain ) and that is used for their mobile app are categorized as threats because the AI engine classify them as so and also…
Repost - NextDNS for One VLAN
It's crazy that its been years and there is no resolution to the same issue that has plagued multiple people 1. https://help.nextdns.io/t/x2hn7qq/nextdns-with-udm-custom-config-help 2. https://help.…
Master List
I think NextDNS is perfect but there is one thing id love to see. As an I.T security guy, I have been using Hosts files since the start of the Net so I never used an Antivirus as they are all scams,…
Reddit nsfw filter in not forced on
Can you add a filter force future like the safe search forced on on google search engine it will be great
Taiwan is displayed on the map as a province of China
On the map, at the bottom of the analitics page, Taiwan when hoverd over with the mouse is listed as a province of China. I understand some might think this is exaggerated or I should just stop…
TLD blocking.
I have ".help" in my TLD blocking list. However a website (.com) like https://help.airmailapp.com/ is blocked when there is no issue to access https://help.nextdns.io/ What am i missing here?
Several measures to enhance security
Because it is about user privacy data, I hope nextdns should be able to do better in account security protection. 1. Add a button to close the API KEY.…
How to choose ads- & tracking-filters
Hello from a Swedish NextDNS-user!
It has taken some time to choose wisely among filter lists. Some of them like Energized and Lightswitch05 in all their different variations simply block way…
DNS Rebinding Protection and private IPs
Hi folks, I want to enable the DNS Rebinding Protection feature but I have a DNS record which points to a private IP address. Think of the following scenario: myhost.mydomain.…
Google Photos Sync Issue
Setting up private dns to NextDNS in mobile caused issues in Google photos sync. The photos failed to be successfully backed up to the servers. Is this a known issue.…