Addition of 'The Block List Project' lists
Hi, I think adding lists of 'The Block List Project' would very much helpful. Link to there main website is this. I am mentioning few links of good lists below,…
So, I downloaded NextDNS ( IOS ) only because of game ads, would be cool if I could turn off google ads too. There is one problem. I registered, got everything connected, and whats next?…
Security on public wifi
Does Nextdns protect me when I connect to insecure public wifi? Or do I need a VPN?
'Anti-Ad' blocking legitimate domains
Hello, It has come to my attention that the 'Anti-Ad' plugin is blocking what I believe are legitimate domains such as Rumble.com in it's entirety. Looking at their blocklists they are listed here…
I can't access amazon app in India
I can't access the amazon app in India
Amount of queries unique to EACH "Blocked Reason" only
The list of settings that blocked the most queries doesn't answer how many queries are unique to each setting only. This would be helpful to determine if it's worth using a setting at all.…
Add Block List or Filters Of uBlockOrigin Ad Bloker......
Add Block List or Filters Of uBlockOrigin Ad Bloker...... https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets Because it blocks mainly all ads and trackers from the site...
DNS redirection problem (Geographic zone)
Hello everyone, For the past month, I have had this inexplicable problem. I have the official NextDNS apps installed respectively on devices whose geolocations are in Belgium.…
Logs show entries for devices connected to other configs
I noticed several entries on my router's config for devices that have their own config. I'm not sure if this is a bug, a feature, or something else. I have a default config that my router uses via…
Will NextDNS Provide data if compelled to?
If NextDNS were, say, legally compelled to provide information to a government agency or something similar, what will be provided to the requester? I'm guessing it's dependent on the amount of logs…
nextdns.io shows on screen time after deletion!
I tested NextDNS and after i wanted it to delete from my iPhone i noticed that it shows on screen time every minute and is messing up my real screen on time. It shows as nextdns.…
I Don't know why Sony LIV and MX Player block in India with your DNS
When I use Next DNS then Sony LIV and MX Player not working properly and when I use AD guards public DNS with ad blocker Both Sony LIV and MX player works perfectly I don't know why this happens...…
DNSCrypt or similar
Is it possible to get a feature to incorporate this directly with NextDNS and the CLI?
I'm sure this has been mentioned many times, and nothing ever seems to come from it.....can we get the ability to add custom Blocklists from GitHub etc.…
FAILLE de sécurité, des appareils inconnus s'ajoutent sur mon compte nextdns
Tout est dans le titre. Je me retrouves avec des appareils inconnus connectés venant de Chine et des USA à savoir : Pour les USA, la Virginie : ec2-54-235-30-18.compute-1.amazonaws.…
Improve security and privacy by switching from personalized to generic subdomain
NextDNS looks like a great service. But a personalized subdomain means if my nextdns account is compromised, an attacker could mess with my DNS in a way that leaves me much less secure than I was to…
Blocking illegal content online
Does Nextdns block all sorts of illegal Content hosting domains?
Allow in app ads iOS
Hi, I try to search in the other post but all the people seems to want the opposite. I try the iOS app but I have things that doesn't work like I want and I want to know if that could be make.…
Threat Intelligence and block lists suggestion
https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/abuse.txt https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/fraud.txt https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/malware.txt https://blocklistproject.github.…
Block other DNS servers that use TLS & HTTPS
I don't want Google bypassing NextDNS using their dns.google, or any other sketchy-tracking DNS provider doing the same for that matter. See this link for one such list: https://github.…
Setup for OISD lovers.
A lot of people including myself love oisd, but there was a tiny problem for me, it didn't block some of the ads that I had come across. The ease of use was amazing but when I saw a few ads here and…
Testing DNS filters
Is there some way of testing if a certain domain is being block by my current selected filters lists. specially doing so in bulk for testing purposes. I know I can request all the domains at once…
Ability to add exact domain name to allowlist
Currently, allow list adds a domain name with starting *.example.com but sometimes some apps or sites needs the functionality of their analytics to run.…
incorrect blocking of http://smartscreen-prod.microsoft.com/
http://smartscreen-prod.microsoft.com/ is blocked by nextdns https://i.imgur.com/x3YZicy.png but I neither found it in https://oisd.nl/excludes.php nor in https://dbl.oisd.nl/ .