1Hosts Site Blocked by AI Detection
As title suggests.... looks like the AI threat detection is having some false positives.
Google play store
I can not download and update application on Google play store. I try to change to be other dns and it's can download app on Google play store. But if back to use nextdns it's can not download app…
Item in Deny list is not blocked
I added "service-ru.hwccpc.com" to Deny list. But Log shows it is not blocked. Is there any reason for that ?
Potential NextDNS security/privacy risk due to DS-Lite-Tunnel and linked IP
When an ISP can't assign a dedicated IP4 to a customer, it might use a DS-Lite-Tunnel to process IP4 requests via an IP4-to-IP6 tunnel. Pretty common in Europe at least.…
Need to optimize EDNS0 Client Subnet (ECS) with some large CDN services
Hi, After using nextdns for a while with the ultralow server, I realized that the team should further optimize ECS with large CDN services. For Akamai's CDN service,…
Apple iOS leaks DNS requests.
I was wondering, is the DNS leak on iOS also true with NextDNS? https://twitter.com/mysk_co/status/1579997801047822336?s=61&t=8llDVUv_i47uHem7h5S1E
Redirecting blocked hosts to localhost by returning instead of NXDOMAIN is not ideal
Hi. Since this doesn't seem to be a security issue*, even though both Firefox [1] and Chrome/Chromium [2] allow this to happen currently, with both NextDNS and Cloudflare's 1.1.1.…
[Guide] NextDNS + Mullvad (WireGuard) + DOH3 on iOS / iPadOS / macOS
Introduction How to make NextDNS and Mullvad (WireGuard) work together, perfectly, is a question that has been asked hundreds of times and across many different forums.…
Wrong block list identification.
Netspot application (www.netspotapp.com) update doesn't work because the FR list blocks cdn.netspotapp.com. However when you check the list, there is no reference to "netspotapp".…
A pointed question: Why NextDNS?
In a world where we have OpenDNS, Quad9, Cloudfare, and other DNS services, I can't tell what makes NextDNS unique from the rest of the competition. Like NextDNS,…
NextDNS device status notifications
Are there plans to offer a way to notify me via email or textmsg if a device stops using NextDNS?
What you think about my Privacy Blocklists setup
Hi everyone, i am currently using those lists for my DNS setup for iOS/macOS/tvOS What do you think? any suggestions? - EasyList - EasyPrivacy - oisd - 1Hosts (Lite) - NoTrack Tracker Blocklist
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Extension/GoodbyeAds-YouTube-AdBlock.txt I would like to add this to the block list
Limit user Wi-Fi speed
I want to ask if I could limit speed for specific device in my router using NextDNS
Master List
I think NextDNS is perfect but there is one thing id love to see. As an I.T security guy, I have been using Hosts files since the start of the Net so I never used an Antivirus as they are all scams,…
How to choose ads- & tracking-filters
Hello from a Swedish NextDNS-user!
It has taken some time to choose wisely among filter lists. Some of them like Energized and Lightswitch05 in all their different variations simply block way…
Blocking youtube channels from my phone
There are many YouTube channels which pop up on top search results but are just clickbaits. YouTube won't allow to block channels. So it would be great if NEXTDNS does something.…
Support Encrypted Client Hello/ESNI
Which DNS settings has the priority ?
Hi ! I was wondering ; At my home, everything is cover by RasPi with NextDNS cli, my router/DHCP serves the clients DNS to my RasPi. If I have let's say an iPhone configured with a profile from…
Stop Others from Stoping NextDns servers on Windows
I set Up NextDns on my Child PC but i think he disabled it or it not working According to my configuration only server is using. I have tried Next Dns pc client and yoga DNS but my child disable…
Chrome DNS
There is an another way to change DNS using Chrome (by going to privacy and security settings) Suppose i have setup DNS on my phone but also did setup using chrome's DNS then next DNS doesn't work…
Manually blocked?
Hello everyone, I have just noticed in the logs of my devices that a request has been blocked for a cause that I have never seen before: Manually blocked.…
Problems with the statistics chart
I realized a few days ago that after activating the logs on August 1, 2022, and clearing the old logs, there is a problem with the request graphs, it seems to be off,…
NextDNS on Router and Windscribe
NextDNS on Router and Windscribe A while ago i decided to use the NextDNS service at router level for my home internet network. Instead of configuring every device for firewall and security,…
Problem using NextDNS with UK banks on browser and Android apps
I get blocked from accessing my bank accounts using NextDNS as it states I am using a VPN and I get blocked. I need to then log in again with NextDNS disabled.…