Problems when using iOS 15 Mail Privacy Protection
When iCloud mail privacy protection is enabled content is never loaded, displaying a message: ”Your network settings prevent content from loading privately.”
Ads in App name is Fitpro
Application name is Fitpro. Previously there were no ads in this app for a long time but today it is full of pop-up and video ads.
Transparent proxy to receive redirects: next level privacy adblock
MITM Adblock. An NX or non routable IP address is the result of blacklist or blocking . While this mostly works the next level in privacy Need a server to receive redirects to spoof http status code…
NextDNS causes black screen when blocking ads on the weather channel app
When I try to watch a video on the weather channel app with nextdns enabled, I get a black screen instead of the actual video. Yet when I watch a video on the weather channel in my browser with…
Adding to the denylist and denylist upgrades
NextDNS is fantastic, but imho the user interface is incomplete. It would be great to be able to "right-click" or anyway select an address on the Logs page to block it right away.…
NextDNS - iPhone privacy warning
Does anyone get this at the WiFi connection status ? im connecting my iPhone to NextDns configured router ( OpenWRT with dnsmasq) Privacy Warning This network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic.…
iPhone -Privacy warning
I get this below warning from iPhone while connecting to the router configured with NextDNS, is this expected? This network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic.…
Ads on YouTube
On YouTube Still Have a lot of ads. Or it's can not block ads on YouTube?. It's too much ads. please fix all this
What to do when a website doesn't fully work
So what's the generic troubleshooting process supposed to be when you're using a legit website and clicking a button or progressing through a flow doesn't work.…
OISD twice as big?!
Anyone else also noticed the OISD blocklist is now twice as big compared to a couple of days ago. Previously it was about ~350.000, so has it grown this much or is it a bug in NextDNS?!…
privacy laws
Do pre-established privacy rules apply to all plans, including free and paid plans?
Block public DNS like google and other malware dns
Anyway to block the public DNS other than nextdns ? My iPhone is swapped by google DNS and seems to be spying on me?
wrong blocking
canyoublockit.com is not included in EasyList, AdGuard Base filter but nextdns still block it because of these lists.
Set up help
Idk what anything means. Help?
Blacklisted facebook and still has connections
Hi everyone! But today I have a problem. On my Android phone (MIUI 12, Android 10) I only have WhatsApp installed from Facebook (no Instagram, no Facebook, no Messenger). NextDNS blocks privatestats.…
Pocket app issues
Hi, Having issues with the Pocket app for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ideashower.readitlater.pro As you can hopefully see with the.…
Slow Internet speed
I have 8 blocklist in nextDns profile and it seems pages are loading a bit slower. could this be a reason for the slowness? drop-downs in web pages are opening very slowly can more blocklist make…
Non-ios Device Accessing iOS.dns.nextdns.io
One of my DirecTV receivers uploaded ~3MB to ios.dns.nextdns.io to TCP Port 80. 1. Why is a non-ios Device Accessing this url? 2. Why is it uploading data at all? 3. Why is it using port 80? 4.…
NextDNS Blocked on Xfinity?
I've posted about this elsewhere but haven't gotten a good response. This is a really weird issue. I recently started getting a DNS error out of nowhere when browsing the web.…
Where to make a GDPR data deletion request?
Seeing as my previous post was ignored and I'm apparently unable to request access to my account back if silence is anything to go by, where does one make a request to delete all the data linked to…
AdGuard & NextDNS configuration HELP !
If anyone can help me to configure AdGuard Home with NextDNS, that would be very kind. I have no idea about this.
I want to set this up for M1 Mac. Please help.
We can subscribe Blocklists, but how to subscribe a allow list?
Hi nextdns, how to subscribe a allow list? the list below is the allow list from EnergizedProtection. unblock/domains.txt at master · EnergizedProtection/unblock · GitHub
Connecting to a bunch of google dns servers???
i have nextdns setup on my router. where i only need to copy "XXXXX.dns.nextdns.io" into a little textbox and it worked so far fine. i have nothing changed on OS or browser level,…
Dns over TLS
I want to use Dns over tls on next dns on android but i dont know how to use it can anybody help me Reason By default nxt dns use dns over https which have some privacy concers due to metadata such…
Deny ipv6 lookups
This reduces geolocation accuracy and also increases privacy since ipv4 is shared among many users.