My NextDNS Analytics and Logs are broken
I don't know if this is only my issue, but it looks to me like it's failing to fetch the API.
- Fixed
Can't update my IP from dashboard, link-ip.nextdns.io timeout
Can't update my IP from dashboard. link-ip.nextdns.io timeout. C:\Users\user>nslookup link-ip.nextdns.io Server: UnKnown Address: xxxx:a8x0::61:xxxx Non-authoritative answer: Name: link-ip.nextdns.…
500 error when using API
Hello, I was wondering if there is a service issue going on or if there was a missed setting when trying to duplicate an existing profile it fails to post.…
NextDNS not available / working
Current status is unavailable. On my internal network, https://test.nextdns.io/ results in no response. I've also tried the above URL on my phone (not connected to my network..…
API documentation is missing
The API lacks many features. For example, there are no options for category blocking, social media blocking, or specific domain blocking. Our company requires these features to be available.…
NextDNS for Routers issues
I used the script to install the NextDNS for Routers. Confirmed service was running, however you can see from the chart, less than 10% of queries were blocked by the CLI.…
Error while checking the current status.
Error while checking the current status. Please talk to us if this problem persists after refreshing the page. I try to connect to NextDNS all the time, but I literally cannot,…
I am unable to use the service
I am getting an error when accessing any of the pages on the dashboard where endpoints are not working as expected, here is a screenshot: Please assist.
Change API to get the exact location by IP
Hi NextDNS Team, When I checked the location of the IP, I observed that my location was not exactly. Here is a location in NextDNS, it is wrong. But when I check in ipinfo.…
Cannot connect home assistant
I’m trying to connect home assistant to nextdns using the core integration. I’ve created my API key, but I keep getting error message in home assistant when I provide the key and try to connect
Primary IPv6: error
I see Primary IPv6: errors frequently. Reported a few times. Still unsure what is causing this, I'd like to ask @nextdns how to best fix this. https://nextdns.…
Analytics page error
Analytics page for my config I'd is getting this error. Please fix this.
No or slow internet when NextDNS is enabled
Hello NextDNS Community! I have this problem since yesterday and I didn't changed anything in settings or blocklists. I use NextDNS on windows + NextDNS app.
Cerberus App Doesn't work
Hi guys, Today somethings has blocking my CERBERUS APP. The device is not connected to the internet, or does not have a connection with Google servers Cerberus App is Anti-theft then permits total…
Unable to view normal website ads/ turn off ad blocker
I am unable to see many ads on normal websites. I have removed all ad blocking in settings…. Is there something I’m missing or something I can do to allow ads?…
Deleted IDs are created again
Hi, Previously, I shared the ID with friends to use. After that, I didn't want to share anymore so I deleted that ID. Of course, IDs not created by paid accounts will become public DNS.…
Impossible to download logs from /xxx/settings
A server error makes it impossible to download logs. Is there something I can do? Kind regards,
Android Private DNS : This device is using NextDNS with no profile.
Recently nextdns sometimes not working through private dns, i must reconnect wifi again, Info i get from test.nextdns.io When it's working: { "status": "ok", "protocol": "DOT", "profile":…
NextDNS api is working on Express backend but not on React frontend.
I'm calling NextDNS api from Postman and Express and they are working good. But the same code from React frontend got error "authRequired". I correctly set x-api-key to header.…
Getting "Network Error" When Loading Dashboard
My router (Asus) is currently configured for NextDNS via the Stubby config. I've setup DNS over TLS via the router UI. The DNS works but I can not load the NextDNS dashboard.…
API Ratelimits for adding URLs to Blocklist
Hey Champs! I found your service and wanted to give it a spin so i wrote a little something something to add URLs to the blocklist. After it added about 100 i got rate limited by the API.…
Don't work block.js
Script https://gist.github.com/rtfpessoa/7fdd3d4121ee4acafe56e8425154888a?permalink_comment_id=4063126
Repost - NextDNS for One VLAN
It's crazy that its been years and there is no resolution to the same issue that has plagued multiple people 1. https://help.nextdns.io/t/x2hn7qq/nextdns-with-udm-custom-config-help 2. https://help.…
Endpoint Failed (regular)
Hi, I have been having a very common issue recently, almost daily, often twice daily, and its causing a lot of subsequent issues. The common thread I see in my ASUS (Merlin OS with NextDNS CLI…
Synology SRM, CLI can't uninstall, update or install again.
Hi. I have a weird situation. Installed Nexdns CLI client on Synology Router and have since updated the router firmware. Synology RT2600ac router running firmware: SRM 1.2.5-8227 Update 5.…
Help us improve NextDNS by reporting bugs.