Move clients to new configurations
I have NextDNS configured on a test Unifi environment so that all of my network clients are automatically rolled up and sent to NextDNS for filtering. In my production environment I have some…
NextDNS stops working on MacOSX
I've been using NextDNS for a couple of months now, mostly without any issues. But recently, I encountered 2 occasions where NextDNS wouldn't resolve DNS queries anymore at all.…
High DNS latency and ping loss
Dear Admin, Again a new problem occurred. Primary DNS has ping loss(100%) and secondary dns ping response more than 260ms (routed via cr-01.0v-00-07.anx33.lax.us.anexia-it.com) https://nextdns.…
I think that things are not going right...
Hello, NextDNS subscriptor user. Installed client on Mac, iOS devices, W10 computers, and configured at Eero router for whole the rest of devices at home. Most of them IOT sensors, bulbs, etc.…
Is DNS Encrypted with Linked IP Setup on VPN
If you use custom DNS and the linked IP setup option with a dedicated VPN is the DNS traffic encrypted in the VPN tunnel or does DNS go it’s own unencrypted route outside the VPN?
Windows 10 2004 NextDNS app 2.0.1 crashing and hanging
Windows 10 2004 NextDNS app 2.0.1 crashing and hanging. version 1 working well. Also detected as virus too.
My secondary server too far from me
■ edgeuno-ist 10 ms (primary) zepto-sof 19 ms exoscale-vie 53 ms anexia-vie 57 ms serverwala-buh 71 ms estnoc-buh 72 ms anexia-sof 76 ms zepto-waw 81 ms premiumrdp-ist 87 ms citynet-cai 100 ms ■…
Ultra Low Server in Windows 7 NextDns CLI
Hello, I want to know Why DNS server is no accurate when using CLI Software in Windows 7? (Right now, I'm in Indonesia and the nearest server is Jkt (Ultra Low Server)...…
Change DNS server using CLI software
Hello everyone, May I know how to change dns server in Cli Windows Program (right now I'm using OS Windows 7 and CLI NextDNS) ? example like android, we can change the dns primary and secondary by :…
NextDNS CLI stopped on ASUS router (why?)
Today my MacBook Pro was totally unresponsive. Investigation revealed that the NextDNS CLI client had stopped on my router (so all DNS lookups failed).…
anycast.dns1.nextdns.io (IPv6) error (primary) in Melbourne, Australia.
Hi all, i am a happy pro user here in Melbourne, Australia and it seems that the ipv6 primay has an error. Please see below. ipv4 works though. It seems all ipv6 in Australia has an error.…
Secondary DNS on Router for Pi Config
Working on building NextDns on Pi. On my router I put the static IP of the Pi, what do I put for the secondary DNS and the IP6 values (they are required fields)
Not Seeing Device Names on Pi Config
Working on a Pi setup, have the Google Wi Fi router successfully sending traffic to the Pi, however the device names are not propagating to the pi. Rather, I get a long number,…
DNS not resolving when network.trr.mode is set to 3
It works just fine when it is set to 2 or 0 and I have the profile from apple.nextdns.io.
Does CLI Windows utility allow to enter a config for DoH or DoT?
Anyone know if CLI Windows utility allow to enter a cofig for DoH or DoT?
DNS over HTTPS cloudflared
So I have no issues running Cloudflare DNS & Google DNS simultaneously over HTTPS using Cloudflare's cloudflared tool; however, I tried using the "DNS-over-HTTPS" endpoint on its own and also…
Asustor NAS - what app or package?
What package can I use/download for Asustor NAS. It has it's own operating system ADM (based on Alpine Linux??). There is a way to upload APK Apps or can also use CLI. Thks
Problems with my IP
The IP address that my devices are reporting is different than the IP address that is being broadcast by my DDNS. Because the IP of the two has to be the same I'm unable to pair my DDNS with my…
Dear NextDNS, Loved your service till today, but my DNS queries are not resolving since morning of 29 Dec, in India, Very bad experience.
my account: privaterelayappleid@protonmail.com
NextDNS DOH on Rasberry Pi
Questions about running NextDNS DOH on Rasberry Pi. If you leave home network devices on the IP address of the router and set the DNS IP on the router to the Pi, does the Pi pickup the device name?
can't download/update App on playstore else fine
While using nextdns is good experience but unfortunately it broken the playstore (part of it) and now can't update or download app but able to browse and see throughout the playstore,…
Add Brave Browser on Browser's Setup Guide
Hi, Brave Browser has started supporting Secure DNS on the latest version. It can be found and setup at brave://settings/security Kindly include so that there's another platform/app supported by…
Home Network Setup | MacOS | IOS | iPad OS | Router | VPN
After tinkering with NextDNS here is my setup. So far, only one false negative on blocking. Prior to this was just using Cloudflare on the router only,…
Was a new server added in India ?
Hello Mod/Owner , can you just clarify if NextDNS has started at Bangalore location in India . do-blr or something like that. Also I am connecting to Singapore servers daily .…
Allow us to pick our DNS servers
I really love the option of Hardened Privacy in the companion app for NextDNS. I would really like it if there was a listing of available DNS servers and their locations for me to pick from.